Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Introduction To Project Management Management Essay
Prologue To Project Management Essay Venture the board is the arranging, sorting out and overseeing of errands and assets to achieve a characterized objective, generally with limitations on schedule and cost. Most activities, regardless of whether they are huge and perplexing or little and straightforward, can be arranged by breaking the undertaking into little, effectively sensible errands, planning the assignments, and afterward following the errands as work advances. Task the executives encourages you answer addresses, for example, What could possibly be done? Who will finish the undertaking? When must it be finished? What amount of will it cost? What occurs if work isnt finished on schedule? Arranging the venture and making a timetable This incorporates characterizing the undertakings and their length, setting up connections among errands, and, on the off chance that you are following asset utilization, allocating assets. Every single later period of the venture depend legitimately on the data you give when you first arrangement your task. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¢ Managing changes This is a progressing procedure that starts once you make a calendar and the task starts, and finishes when the undertaking is finished. It incorporates following and altering your timetable to reflect changes that happen as the venture advances. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¢ Communicating venture data This is a significant procedure that includes conveying venture data to customers, venture staff, and the board. Venture the board programming is profitability programming that will help you in every one of these means. Numerous experts discover it is among the most beneficial instruments in their range of abilities. In todays business it is to the greatest advantage of organizations to have venture directors. Presence of mind isnt in every case normally cultivated. For anybody whos at any point took a shot at a task in a specialized setting knows this. To be sure, a lot of working with others comprises of taking care of sudden issues and gaining from botches en route.  Knowing this and having the best possible devices a task administrator will have the option to oversee and finish the most extraordinary venture out there.  â It appears that individuals over and over have an inappropriate impression of what a venture director does.  It isn't tied in with having the option to make a compound intend to hold tight the divider.  It isn't tied in with setting up many meetings.  This is tied in with understanding a major business objective, understanding the innovation in question, having the option to convey at a combination of levels, having the option to empower and coordinate individuals, having the option to deal with the consistent concern and inconveniences, and being sufficiently organized to make certain the entire thing that requirements to get finished, gets finished.  What this comes down to is a task administrator ought to have the option to meet or surpass the entirety of the partners desires.  The task administrator likewise should have the option to get others to work with restricted authority all through the term.  Doing the greater part of the work yourself is a poor long hau l improvement methodology and will never take care of the issue. In each task there are in every case some general attributes that will be shared.  They all have an understandable and set up reason and extremely particular life terms. By and large, all undertakings are accomplishing something that may potentially be new or yet an onetime undertaking yet have unequivocal prerequisites which incorporate; time, cost, and execution. Venture the executives manages devices, individuals, and frameworks. (Lewis) The main venture of this module is to do a gathering banner introduction. We have restricted chance to do research and we were worn off by the escalated addresses. This is the place I discovered how time the executives and collaboration play as significant components for progress. We dispersed the outstanding burden among ourselves and set a time period for finish. Gathering individuals were to hold fast to the time span specified. This is the way we figure out how to finish a straightforward introduction, with many concealed difficult work behind our prosperity. A venture administrator ought to have certain characteristics so as to effectively execute an undertaking and afterward run them effectively for the task to be a hit in the market. A venture director ought to have certain property for fruitful in a task and they are Checking and Controlling: Project trough consistently screens the work done by his colleagues and has authority over the whole task. They additionally need to ensure about the spending plan assessed toward the start of the venture. Confidence: Project director ought to consistently rouse his colleagues to accomplish their work genuinely and help by supporting every single one at the work. Authority aptitudes: Project Manager ought to have administration characteristics to deal with the group. Venture conclusion The last goal is venture conclusion which incorporates confirming that the entirety of the work has been practiced, check the Contractual conclusion of the agreement, monetary conclusion of the charge numbers lastly authoritative conclusion of the administrative work. Fruitful undertaking the board would then be able to be characterized as having accomplished the venture goals. Venture the board has advanced to design, co-ordinate and control the unpredictable and differing exercises of current mechanical, business and the board change and IT anticipates (Lock 2009). Chunnel Tunnel: Presentation The Chunnel burrow venture embraced to make an association among England and France by means of underground passage, presents one of the biggest secretly supported development extends ever under taken. It required the collaboration of two national governments, investors guaranteeing the financing for the activities, various contractual workers and a few ordinary offices. The development and building of the passage required the utilization of new innovation and required huge alterations during the task because of surprising conditions and changes required by different gatherings. This contextual analysis exhibits the various elements which played throughout the venture that effectsly affects the general course of the undertaking. Toward the end Chunnel venture was finished, yet it was late and over planned. The advancement of and interest in the Channel Tunnel was a difficult worldwide issue attracting organizations from a few nations. In this paper, I focus on the advancement of the failed burrow task of 1957-1975 and the at last effective endeavor 10 years after the fact, concentrating on governments and organizations in Britain, France, the United States, and Japan. I recognize the administration and sharing of hazard as the basic components in the Tunnels political economy. Here, the challenges delivered by the quadripartite blanket of arrangements including two governments (Britain and France) and two passage organizations are at middle of everyone's attention, however I additionally contend that American contribution was significant in the main undertaking, and Japanese money related help was basic in the second. The discussions concerned the sort of intersection, inquiries of possession as opposed to authorizing and guideline, and the significance of making open interest in relat ed and supporting foundation. The Channel Tunnel has noteworthiness as a model of open private association in Britain, and I draw exercises from the experience, alluding specifically to the difficulties introduced by the framework venture circle.The paper draws on material gathered for Terry Gourvish, The Official History of the Channel Tunnel (London, 2006). Everything began in 1802 when French forward a proposition to burrow under the English Channel, which would be enlightened utilizing oil lights, horse-drawn mentors for transportation and furthermore a fake mid-channel enemy evolving ponies. Yet, the venture was postponed for an extensive stretch In 1955 both British and French governments upheld reviews and in 1974, a legislature subsidized the twin passage venture with vehicle transport carts. Later in 1975 British government had no enthusiasm for financing the undertaking so they had no protest for a secretly supported venture. Also, henceforth the task was surrendered to the hands of the privately owned businesses. On 2 july 1985, both French and British shaped a gathering Channel Tunnel Group/France. The plan and development was finished by this organization as the task was embraced by privately owned businesses. The Chunnel Tunnel is a form - own-work move venture with a concession. Also, the British and French governments will hold the control on conclusive designing and wellbeing choices, presently those were in the possession of Channel Tunnel Safety Authority. Eleven passage exhausting machines, which were working from both the sides of the passage slice through two rail burrows and the administration burrow, this began in 1988, and 1994 working of the passage started. Also, it was assessed that the expense of the development was  £4.650 billon.15000 individuals were utilized with every day use over  £3 million. Also, ten specialists were executed during the development procedure. The Eurotunnel finished passage exhausting on schedule, consequently the passage was at long last opened authoritatively by British Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterand in a function held in Calais on sixth may 1994. The Chunnel Tunnel otherwise called (French: Chunnel burrow source ls manche) is a 50.5-Kilometer undersea rail burrow connecting Folk stone, Kent close to Dover in the United Kingdom with coquilles, Pas-de-Calais close to Calais in northern France. At its absolute bottom, it is 75 meters (250 ft) profound 1802 Channel burrow proposition was brought across by Albert Mathieu 1875 The start of Channel Tunnel Company Ltd 1882 Abbots Cliff had arrived at 897â yards (820 m) and Shakespeare Cliff was 2,040â yards (1,870 m) long. January 1975 English French government halted there sponsored plot support in 1974 February 1986 They continued the task with the authorization of Treaty of Canterbury June 1988 In France the First burrowing was begun December 1988 Burrowing activity was begun in UK December 1990 Separated of the administration burrow under the Channel May 1994 The proper introduction by The Queen and President(French) Mid 1994 Traveler and Cargos began utilizing t
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mortality Regimes And Longevity Risk Health And Social Care Essay
This paper investigates the nearness of governments in mortality kineticss and evaluates their derivations for length of administration risk course. Our assault expands the Poisson log bilinear captured advancement created by Brouhn et Al. by catching the time-changing mortality constituent with a Markov system exchanging hypothetical record. The hypothetical record is so applied to Gallic mortality informations sets from 1947 to 2007. Our investigation uncovers that one government is portrayed by high unpredictability and is dynamic during the 20 mature ages after the Second World War. The second government relates to a region of low unpredictability and catches length of administration advancements saw during the ongoing time frame. A Monte Carlo reenactment is so used to investigate the effect of mortality governments for the danger bearing of life rente portfolios. Reenactment uncovers that the underlying appropriation of a mortality government influences well the dissolvability level of portfolio and the capital requests, certifying the significance of taking into history mortality systems for the bearing of life rente portfolios. Catchphrases: Life rente, Mortality Projection, Regime-exchanging Models JEL Classification: C32, G22, G23 1. Presentation Life expectation everyplace has expanded well throughout the only remaining century. In France, mortality has declined steeply, as more seasoned individuals live more. Life expectation during childbirth for guys has gone from 45 mature ages in 1900 to 81 mature ages in 2000. This marvel is viewed as acceptable knowledge for people and as a huge cultural achievement. In any case, it presents new difficulties for the approach shapers, private benefits executives and different providers of life rentes, where the outcome of life expectation advancements on the dissolvability of annuity frameworks is a worry ( Macdonald et al. , 1998 ) . As underlined by Marocco and Pitacco ( 1998 ) , length of administration peril, that is, the uncertainness sing the future advancement of mortality and life expectation results, influences the valuing and holding of life rente stocks well. For sure, foundations providing life rentes run the peril that the existent estimation of ventures surpasses their viewpoints, taking to condition of affairss of liquidation, when foundations can non pay the guaranteed aggregate to endorsers. The calculation of expected present qualities thusly requires a fitting mortality projection that abstains from belittling future obligations. In 1992, Lee and Carter proposed a straightforward hypothetical record that indicates death rate adjustment as a guide of an individual clasp file. The technique depicts the death rate as the measure of an age-explicit constituent autonomous of clasp and a bilinear term that is the product of a period shifting parametric amount vector stand foring the advancement of mortality over clasp and an age-explicit vector of parametric amounts reflecting how each age is affected by the improvement of mortality. The estimation of the time-shifting parametric amount is so demonstrated and conjecture as a stochastic time-arrangement using the Box-Jenkins technique. The conjecture death rate is so gotten by joining the anticipation time-shifting mortality constituent got by an ARIMA hypothetical record, with the evaluated parametric amounts comparative with age impacts. Be that as it may, the utilization of an ARIMA hypothetical record to delineate the conduct of mortality over clasp seems unreasonable. As Sweeting ( 2010 ) underscores, mortality nowadayss abrupt adjustments in propensities, proposing the nearness of a non-direct development. Moreover, the mortality method shows non-Gaussian belongingss, for example, fat dress suits, heteroscedasticity, and imbalance. In noticeable radiation of these realities, we propose to catch the time-differing mortality constituent got by a Poisson log bilinear hypothetical record evaluation, with a Markov trading hypothetical record. Markov trading hypothetical records were presented by Goldfeld and Quandt ( 1973 ) and got well known after the fundamental paper of Hamilton ( 1989 ) . In money and monetary sciences, system exchanging hypothetical records have gotten turning joining in. They are equipped for catching complex non-straight kineticss, remembering abrupt changes for the conduct of clasp arrangement, and entangled signifiers of heteroscedasticity, fat dress suits, and slants. They are remarkably used to catch the kineticss of GDP ( Hamilton, 1989 ) , in addition to money related qualities ( Longin and Solnik, 2001 ) or inclusion rates that display non-Gaussian belongingss ( Ang and Bekaert, 1998 ) . Ang and Timmermann ( 2011 ) gracefully a decent investigation of the various uses of Markov trading hypothetical records in monetary sciences and money. In actuarial logical controls, government move has been to a great extent concentrated on the evaluating of monetary stocks ( Hardy, 2001 ; Bollen, 1998 ) . To our cognizance, only Milidonis et Al. ( 2011 ) have investigated the use of Markov system changing hypothetical records to catch mortality kineticss. They apply this kind of hypothetical record to US informations from 1921 to 2005 and demo that mortality is described by a two-system move hypothetical record. Be that as it may, their work brushs a conspicuous horrible judgment: the assignment of mortality governments could be only because of the nearness of the two universe wars in their example. In this paper, we investigate the request whether mortality governments are discernable in Gallic informations from 1947 to 2007. Utilizing a data standard assault, we locate that Gallic mortality is portrayed by two recognizable governments. One government alludes to a solid uncertainness region, coordinating to length of administration conditions saw during the decennary following the Second World War. The second territory is identified with the low instability of length of administration advancements saw during the last 30 mature ages. The cardinal development of our paper is the test of the impact of mortality governments on length of administration danger. Utilizing Monte Carlo reproduction, we infer a contingent dissemination of planned life even arraies, which are so utilized so as to mensurate the impact of mortality governments on life rente portfolio danger. Apparently the dynamic conveyance of a mortality government influences well the projection of mortality, yet adjacent to the uncertainness that originates from this projection. That association is unconventionally of import for analysts, who must discover the entirety of cash required to pay benefits, each piece great as the security replenishing used to cover the uncertainness connection to the improvement in life expectation. The paper is sorted out as follow. Segment 2 nowadayss documentations, premises, and informations. Segment 3 gives an intricate introduction of the methodological examination partner to mortality projection hypothetical records. Area 4 presents the examination results. In development 5, an income reproduction of an arrangement of life rentes quantifies the main reasonings of a mortality government on length of administration peril and capital requests. Segment 6 finishes up the paper. 2. Documentations, Assumptions, and Datas 2.1. Documentation Mortality is concentrated in two measurements: age, and schedule cut. We will use so following documentation: speaks to the staying life-time of a single old on January 1 of twelvemonth. is the opportunity that a single old in twelvemonth kicks the bucket before making age. is the opportunity that a single matured gets by during the twelvemonth and arrives at age ; note. is the cardinal death rate at age during the clasp. is the presentation to danger at age during twelvemonth. It speaks to the whole clasp lived by individuals matured during the twelvemonth. speaks to the figure of expires at age during the clasp, from an introduction to danger. speaks to the figure of people matured in life during the twelvemonth. is the normal staying life-time of single matured in the clasp. is the money related estimation of the net present estimation of a real existence rente offered to a single older in twelvemonth. 2.2. Premises The cardinal death rate is assumed immutable inside two sets to and to. For some random entire number and a day of the month, we so get: ( 1 ) The reason of a constant mortality cardinal rate suggests that for a single old in twelvemonth that: ( 2 ) At last, two proportions of contribution for the most part utilized by demographists and analysts are presented. Life expectation is an old style step whole uping the advancement of the mortality over the clasp: ( 3 ) The calculation depends on the endurance chances from age to a definitive age aa‚â ¬ †The maximal age considered relies upon the pick of life table closings.[ 1 ]As the continuance chances are non accessible after clasp, they should be extrapolated from a projection hypothetical record. The existence rente alludes to the net present estimation of future installments offered to a single older in twelvemonth: ( 4 ) where is the value decrease factor that we guess invariable over clip.[ 2 ] 3.2. Pieces of information For this study, male and female Gallic mortality informations have been taken from the Human Mortality database.[ 3 ]The informations comprise of the cardinal death rate, the presentation to peril, and the figure of expires between two ages. It was attractive to use only informations from 1947 through 2007. The period before 1947 has been disregarded to stay away from the mortality surprises related with the first and second universe wars. We consider just the age scope somewhere in the range of 60 and 98 mature ages. Age classes more youthful than 60 twelvemonth are disregarded, since the points of this review point of convergence on length of administration peril employments. The data, at more established age ( more than 98 mature ages ) have other than been rejected because of the little figure of subsisters. Mortality at more established ages will be anyway produced from a log quadratic guide ( inside informations will be given in region 3.5 ) . Figures 1-an and 1-b show the adva ncement of Gallic mortality during this period. A net
Monday, July 27, 2020
Resumes for New Grads 5 Great Tips to Organize your Education Section
Resumes for New Grads 5 Great Tips to Organize your Education Section I wrote this article for New Grad Life, so its catered to new grads, but a lot of the advice is relevant to anyone who has significant items to include under Education. Of course, if youve been out of school for 10 years, do NOT put the Education section first (that advice is for new grads only)! A possible exception is if you are applying for a job at a university where the name of your undergraduate or graduate institution is the most important credential you have on your resume. Read here: 5 Great Tips to Organize Your Education Section
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Harlem Renaissance History - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 698 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category Art Essay Level High school Tags: Renaissance Essay Did you like this example? In less than twenty years time, the African American population of just Harlem, New York grew from about 50,000 to around 200,000 people. Thus, becoming an enormous part of the commonly known ?Great Migration that started during World War one, began what is known as the Harlem Renaissance. The ?Great Migration is the main cause of the Harlem Renaissance; without it, it seems that African Americans would not have pushed as hard for the recognition of their culture had they remained in the south. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Harlem Renaissance History" essay for you Create order African Americans demanding the acknowledgment of their culture and identity in general, is another major cause. They returned from fighting in the war to find that their status had not changed at all, they were still regarded as less than human by most of the American population. They demanded a change for risking their lives for a country that did not appreciate it. Then the effects that sprouted from these actions were tremendous. There was an appreciation of the African American culture emerging and many African Americans were becoming nationally and/or internationally recognized. With Louis Armstrong being seen as one of the greatest jazz players in history and Langston Hughes being an internationally known poet, this was a huge success for African American people. There was finally a definitive identity for the African American people. They had fought so diligently in the war to defend and protect a country that wouldnt even recognize them as human beings, so they demanded recognition. One of the major effects of the Harlem Renaissance is that it lay a foundation that would be used during the Civil Rights movement. The Harlem Renaissance was brought about by many different causes and their effects were nothing short of what was needed to begin the Civil Rights movement and to show that the African American people were no longer going to be ignored. The start of the Harlem Renaissance began because of the Great Migration; without it, many African Americans wouldve remained in the South. During the Great Migration, which occurred around 1916 to the late 1950s, around five to six million southern African Americans moved to the West, Midwest, and North. This was an attempt to escape economic and racial oppression and burden they were faced with in the South. With the North being in need of employees of any race since the United States became involved in the First World War and the immigration sanctions that were put in place, African Americans were ready to jump at the chance of this prosperous change. There was such a high demand for workers that the employers were sending out memos pleading for people to work for their companies. Companies were paying the fees of transportation for African Americans so they could come work for them. This led to tension between the white people who were already there looking for jobs, and the Afri can Americans moving in search of jobs. With the movement to new places, specifically the north, African Americans faced comparable hardships when trying to find a place to fit in, in what was previously mainly white cities. Though it was ruled illegal in 1917 to not sell or rent to African Americans, it still occurred countless times. Racism was widespread in the North, Midwest, and West; and with the high rates of migration, racism and tension grew rapidly. With actions such as these, African Americans tended to create their own neighborhoods within cities. They found that with one another, they could freely express themselves and their talents. With the beginning of Harlem, artists of all kinds came flooding into the area where they felt welcome and unrestricted. Harlem was originally an all-white neighborhood; but with the interminably increasing rates of African American migration, the neighborhood soon housed around 200,000 African Americans and the white families left. Soon, the African American culture grew rapidly in Harlem, and there was finally a sense of identity within the populous. With the need for African Americans in the workforce and also in the military, as well as the growing artistic movement, there was a new identity to be associated with African Americans. They demanded to be acknowledged by everyone and to be accredited for what they did.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Damages Caused by Canadian Residential Schools for...
In the nineteenth century, the government of Canada felt it had an obligation to the nations people to educate the Indigenous population of the country. The federal government sought to pursue this task through the development of residential schools. Under this system, framed by the Davin Report, Congregations of Christian missionaries were responsible for providing compulsory education to Indigenous children within governmentally constructed schools. They were charged with assimilating these children into mainstream culture and convert them into members of â€Å"civilized society†. The resulting actions on part of the Canadian government and acting missionaries have caused detrimental psychological and emotional trauma to survivors of these residential schools; trauma that has crossed intergenerational boundaries since the induction of the system. The direct outcomes of the residential school system have resulted in a form of trauma with cross-generational effects among conte mporary Indigenous societies, known as historical trauma. The concept of historical trauma was first applied to Jewish Holocaust genocide survivors and their descendants , and has recently been applied to survivors of the Indian Residential School system and their offspring since the abolition of these schools began in the 1960s. The psychological concept of historical trauma is comparable to the symptomatology of grief and post-traumatic stress disorder, in that the long-term effects of the trauma areShow MoreRelatedResidential schools1468 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract This research explores how the residential schools established in the 19th century affected the Native population and the Canadian government. This has been done by examining primary sources such as digital archives, books, statistics and reports. Upon examination of these events, it becomes clear that residential schools had a long term negative impact on the Aboriginal communities and created a negative image to the Canadian government. Despite the government’s goals of assimilatingRead MoreHow Residential Schools Impacted The Indigenous Community1378 Words  | 6 PagesIn the Indigenous community, when the community is faced with a trauma, it takes seven generations for the community to heal (Trimble, 2015). People may underestimate how oppressed and how much suffering the Indigenous communities had to struggle with, and continue to struggle with these issues today. We may underestimate how severe the situation is because many of us were not taught much about the impact of colonization on the Indigenous communities in school. There are many myths people may haveRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesCataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modernâ€â€20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social historyâ€â€20th century. 4. World politicsâ€â€20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American HistoricalRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pageswave This page intentionally left blank Project Management The Managerial Process The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Beckman and Rosenfield, Operations, Strategy: Competing in the 21st Century, First Edition Benton, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper, Supply Chain Logistics Management, Third Edition Brown and Hyer, Managing Projects: A Team-Based Approach, First Edition Burt, Petcavage, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Service quality management Free Essays
This case study talks about the many service quality issues faced by a local mass transport company, SMRT. The company has to still remain functional amidst mass crltlclsrn amongst the public due to Inefficient communication networks, inefficient maintenance and various problems in the senior management. As a newly appointed senior manager, it is imperative that we work towards delivering a high quality service to our customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Service quality management or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many tools and quality improvement frameworks that we can use to improve existing service quality standards. The problems faced by the company start with over 10 breakdowns that have occurred In d span of two years. Due to repetitive service disruptions, the previous CEO, Ms. Saw Phaik Hwa who has apologized publicly and offered false promises, further causing more service disruptions affecting around 127,000 passengers including 1000 passengers stranded in each of the four trains that were stalled. Malntenance Issues This Is one of the main problems that have Impacted the quality of the services provided by SMRT. Various issues such as misalignment of tracks lack of evacuation nd emergency plans have impacted the customers’ health and have caused some of them a lot of inconvenience and stress There has been serious impact on the servicgs productivity due to the same problems as they have not been able to successfully carry out their promised service. Even when the breakdowns happened, the backup power systems did not turn on and this made the people stranded very uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Excuses were given once again to quickly dismiss these accusations. By using Deming’s 14 Points of Management, we could find out the root causes of the problem. 1 . Management Commitment: The senior management had not been able to live up to the promises that they have publicly given mainly due to the Inefficiency of the senior management. Had the senior management a closer involvement In the lower-level operations, they might have been able to take suggested actions. 2. Understand Inspection: Due to the various problems mentioned above, it was important for the senior managers to gather relevant information regarding the frequently occurring problems. This suggests that the communication networks are not very efficient and this wlll be further discussed later In the report, 3. Improve Constantly: The Jepanese have developed d technique called â€Å"Kdlzen†, which means â€Å"Continuous Improvement†. This could be used to ensure that quality standards and customer expectations are met by constantly developing all dimensions of the service prov10ea. 4. Institute Iralnlng: Atter one 0T tne DreaK00wns, around 60 maintenance staff were deployed to gather information and rectify the problem that had caused a 5 hour disruption in the services. However, their inefficiency to analyze and rectify the root cause of the problem suggests that SMRT need to invest in training. . Institute Leadership: Leaders should be coaches and mentor staffs rather than checking on them. The senior management has clearly shown a lack in leadership skills as they have only been giving excuses and false promises. Inefficient Communication Networks: This is another factor that contributed to the reducing service quality of SMRT. Efficient communication between various levels of the business is very important to run an efficient and successful business. SMRT has been facing various barriers in communicating instructions and messages from senior management to the operating evels and vice versa. The problems that have been occurring have not been reported properly to the higher authorities and hence not been able to receive instructions from the senior management on how to proceed further and improve the quality of the service being provided. Using ISO standards as a benchmark, we can see that SMRT is not being able to maintain high service quality standards. Since ISO is internationally recognized, this serves as a suitable benchmark. There are few principles that need to be followed in order to get their certification: 1 . Customer Focus: SMRT needs to meet the equirements of the customers and exceed their expectations but they have failed to do so. They have not improved their service quality and hence, their customer experience. 2. Leadership: As mentioned earlier in the report, the leaders have not been able to achieve the goals set and have disappointed their very large customer base. . Factual approach to decision-making: Since the employees are inefficient and have not been able to analyze data and information, their supervisors have not been able to suggest proper course of action. 4. System approach to management: According to this principle, all processes are interrelated. Since there has been a lack of co-ordination amongst the employees of every level, SMRT has not been able to manage their technologically advanced systems. One other instance of lack of a coordinated communication systems was the humiliating and controversial message template that SMRT sent to its taxi drivers asking them to seize the â€Å"income opportunity’ that arose because of the MRT breakdown. The common citizenry has heavily criticized this inappropriate message further contributing to the declining public image of the company. uggested Improvements Using Malcom Balbridge National Quality Award’s 7 Criteria of Performance Excellence as the benchmark, there are quite a few improvements that could be suggested. To begin with: Leadership: Effective leadership brings out the best out of every employee of the firm, since the resignation of the previous CEO, the current CEO will take some time to settle into the position and it is important to make sure that he/she receives timely communication and proper assistance from other managers. Strategic Planning: It was very clear that the previous management have ot defined their future strategies clearly and have not prepared proper contingency plans and this has made life difficult for the customers and the management of SMRT. To ensure that this does not happen in the future, SMRT could conduct a formal meeting with all stakeholders to develop a strong and effective strategy with the public’s opinion also taken in mind. Also, regular track and train maintenance should be conducted to reduce the chances of such problems arising again. Customer Focus: Surveys could be conducted to understand the customer’s xpectations and SMRT could work towards fulfilling them. The constant service disruptions have already caused the company’s image to decline and to make sure that this does not happen in the future, SMRT could look into developing proper plans. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management: The lapses in information and data have also caused grave problems to the company and SMRT should invest in training existing and hiring new skilled employees to analyze and report field data. Workforce Focus: It is important to constantly monitor, motivate and rain the workforce. As a happy workforce is more efficient and can provide higher service quality that an unmotivated one. This would also increase service quality. Process Management: Ensuring proper contingency, emergency and evacuation plans during service disruptions can help increase quality and reduce the risk to customer’s, while indirectly improving the image of the brand. Results: Putting everything together, it is still important to get results and improve the customer’s image of the company while maintaining very high standards of service quality. How to cite Service quality management, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin Essay Example
Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin Paper Trimyristin is one member of a class of triglycerides which is found in animals fatty tissues and vegetable or marine oils. It can dissolve in organic compound such as hot acetone readily as it is a non-polar compound. After the isolation of tirmyristin from nutmeg seed by solvent extraction followed by recrystallizaiton, the present of functional groups in organic molecules can be identified by infrared spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most useful tools available to the organic chemist as only small quantity of sample is needed, the cost of the spectrometer is relatively small and the application of this method is wide. A molecule is constantly vibrating. Changes in vibrations of a molecule are caused by absorption of infrared light. A particular part of the infrared spectrum is referred to either by its wavelength or its frequency. Therefore, infrared spectrum is a highly characteristic property of an organic compound and can be used both to establish the identity of two compounds and to reveal the structure of a new compound. We will write a custom essay sample on Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Small amount of activated carbon is added to during the recrystallization in order to absorb the colour inside the solution. After that, it can be filter out by the fluted filter paper. Objective: To isolate trimyristin from nutmeg seed by solvent extraction To purified it by recrystallization. To obtain an infrared spectrum of the isolated trimyristin from the recrystallized trimyristin from the experiment. To study the difference between the infrared spectrum results of the isolated trimyristin from experiment 3 and the recrystallized trimyristin Materials and Methods Procedure for the isolation trimyristin from nutmeg seed by solvent extraction. 15.13g of ground nutmeg seed, 40ml of acetone and five antibumping granules were placed into a 100ml round bottom flask. The ground glass joints of the 100-ml reaction flask and the outer joint of the reflux condenser were lubricated by Vaseline to prevent the glass joints from freezing together. The mixture was then allowed to reflux for 15 minutes. Then, the heating mantle was switched off and the hot solution was filtered into a 100 ml conical flask containing 15 ml acetone on a hot water bath using a hot stemless funnel which was preheated to about 80?C and fitted with a fluted filter paper. The extracts were allowed to cool in an ice bath until crystallization was complete while the solid material was isolated by suction filtration. Procedure for recrystallization The isolated product from ex 3 was placed in a 100ml conical flask. Then 30ml acetone and a very small amount of activated charcoal were added. The mixture was warmed in a hot water bath. After that, the solution was filtered and allowed to cool in an ice bath. The purified trimyristin crystals were collected by suction filtration. The weight and melting point of the product were also determined. Procedure for infrared spectroscopy. About 15 to 20 mg of the recrystallized sample was ground in an agate mortar, then a drop of the paraffin oil was added, and was ground for 2 to 5 minutes until a mull was formed. The mull was transferred to the bottom salt plate of a demountable cell. The top plate was then placed and twisted to distribute the sample evenly and eliminate all air pockets and the spectrum was run. After running the sample, the salt plates were wiped clean with a tissue paper saturated with acetone. The apparatus for refluxing a solution is always left open to the atmosphere during heating and is never stoppered because if the apparatus is in a closed system and the temperature of that system is increased, air will expand. And the solvent will evaporate into gas so the pressure inside will increase also. As the pressure inside will continue to increase and until the apparatus cannot stand the pressure, the apparatus will break and the solution may spread. That is why it is really unsafe when heating in a closed system. IR spectrum In our group, the IR spectrum of recrystallized sample was done. In the spectrum, there were a peak at 1735.84cm-1 which indicated the presence of C=O bond, peaks at about 1180cm-1 which indicated the presence of C-O bond and the peak at 2842.67cm-1 to 2920cm-1 indicated the presence of aliphatic C-H bond. By comparing the IR spectrum of un-recrystallized sample from the other group, similar pattern of the spectrum was obtained. Same functional groups were found in that sample but the transmittance of the recrystallized one was much lower than the un-recrystallized one which indicated that the purity of the recrystallized sample was higher. Source of errors If the mixture was heating under reflux for too long, other things may also extract. Moreover, there was loss of sample during the transfer process as some solid might adhere on the flasks, Buchner funnel or even the weighting bottle. Some of the trimyristin might not completely dissolve in the hot acetone so less trimyristin was extracted. As the solubility of trimyristin in hot acetone is much bigger than in colder acetone, if we dont filter quickly after heating, the temperature would decrease and less trimyristin would be isolated. For the IR spectrum of the recrystallized sample, some sharp unnecessary peaks may appear because of the acetone or other impurities as we used acetone to clean the plate which did not evaporate completely before we put them in the spectroscopy. Improvement For the purity, we can repeat the process of recrystallization although the yield might be lowered. Moreover, the product could be allowed to dry in the suction filter for more time. Tiny amount of charcoal was added first, then warm the mixture for a while if the yellow colour still present, a little more charcoal is added instead of adding too much at first. For the reflux, it is better not reflux for more than 20 minutes. During reflux, the stand should shake gently so that the trimyristin can better dissolve in the hot acetone and should filter the solution as quick as possible after heating. Finally, wait for a while after cleaning the salts plates or apparatus used for IR spectroscopy so that the acetone can fully evaporate in order not to interfere the results.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Word and Book Passionate Declaration Essays
Word and Book Passionate Declaration Essays Word and Book Passionate Declaration Paper Word and Book Passionate Declaration Paper Howard Zinns book passionate declaration, was very interesting in the first chapter American Ideology he talks about the end result of these instances was many if not all of these inferior people were killed. He also talks about how we favor the rich and neglect the poor and that it should be the other way around that life should be an entirely different way. That because of Reagan many issues came to be, Because of Reagan this country is the way it is! Although we live in a democratic country, The ideas of ethical behaviors that were formulated by our forefathers has condemned us to accept them as right. â€Å"Thus we grow up in a society where our choice of idea is limited and where certain ideas are dominant†which is very much true unless you have money your ideas will never be heard, it’s very rare where someone who is unwealthy is hear amongst millions. The only time you are really heard is where you die a tragic death. In chapter 2; Machiavellian Realism and U. S. Foreign Policy: Means and Ends. Howard zinn talks about, what kind of society we want? And how will we get it? â€Å" The instance of building more nuclear weapons when we already possess more than enough to destroy the world†¦ allowing the police to arrest any person on the street refusing to move on when ordered†¦ and consider how often a parent [usually a father] has said to a son or daughter: its good to have idealistic visions of a better world but your living in the real world, so act accordingly†This have all had an effect one or more times in my life. Some may refer to me as a hippie because I’m all about peace on this world or because I refuse to eat animals such as chickens, cows, goats anything with a heartbeat, but my beliefs are my beliefs. I do believe a world without weapons would be wonderful, a world where I don’t have to walk down the street and a cops going to stop me cause he believes I’m being somewhat â€Å"suspicious†. Of course I would love for this world to speak up and use our words rather that use our weapons or hands to harm one another. You ever see a person get called something and notice how one simple word such as â€Å"ugly†can completely set them off and just then you see this person react in a way that they use their words completely to prove a point on how, the specific word you called or used is in no way or fact them on how they spent all that time to prove one person wrong. I wish the world worked in words. I wish we didn’t have to tell our children that this is the world, so act accordingly. I was one of those children, whose father told them that, and my dreams were crushed instantly, I was 9.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Marian Wright Edelman, Childrens Rights Activist
Marian Wright Edelman, Children's Rights Activist Marian Wright Edelman (born June 6, 1939) is an American lawyer, educator, and childrens rights activist. In 1973, she founded the Childrens Defense Fund, an advocacy and research group. Edelman was the first African-American woman to be admitted to the Mississippi state bar. Fast Facts: Marian Wright Edelman Known For: Edelman is a childrens rights advocate who founded the Childrens Defense Fund.Born: June 6, 1939 in Bennettsville, South CarolinaParents: Arthur Jerome Wright and Maggie Leola BowenEducation: Spelman College, Yale Law SchoolAwards and Honors: MacArthur Fellowship, Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, National Womens Hall of Fame, Community of Christ International Peace Award, Presidential Medal of FreedomSpouse: Peter Edelman (m. 1968)Children: Joshua, Jonah, EzraNotable Quote: So much of Americas tragic and costly failure to care for all its children stems from our tendency to distinguish between our own children and other peoples children- as if justice were divisible. Early Life Marian Wright Edelman was born on born June 6, 1939, and raised in Bennettsville, South Carolina, one of five children. Her father Arthur Wright was a Baptist preacher who taught his children that Christianity required service in this world and was influenced by A. Phillip Randolph. Her mother was Maggie Leola Bowen. Marians father died when she was only 14 years old. In his last words to her, he urged her not to let anything get in the way of your education. Education Edelman went on to study at Spelman College. She studied abroad on a Merrill scholarship and later traveled to the Soviet Union on a Lisle fellowship. When she returned to Spelman in 1959, Edelman became involved in the civil rights movement. This work inspired her to drop her plans to enter the foreign service and study law instead. As a law student at Yale University, she worked on a project to register African-American voters in Mississippi. Career In 1963 after graduating from Yale Law School, Edelman worked first in New York for the NAACP Legal and Defense Fund and then in Mississippi for the same organization. There, she became the first African-American woman to practice law. During her time in Mississippi, she worked on racial justice issues connected with the civil rights movement and helped get a Head Start program established in her community. During a tour by Robert Kennedy and Joseph Clark of Mississippis poverty-ridden Delta slums, Marian met Peter Edelman, an assistant to Kennedy, and the next year she moved to Washington, D.C., to marry him and to work for social justice in the center of Americas political scene. The couple had three sons: Joshua, Jonah, and Ezra. Jonah is the founder of Stand for Children, a group that promotes childrens education initiatives, and Ezra is a documentary filmmaker who won an Emmy for his film O.J.: Made in America. In Washington, D.C., Edelman continued her social justice work, helping to organize Martin Luther Kings Poor Peoples Campaign and assisting with the efforts of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She then began to focus on issues related to child development and child poverty. Childrens Defense Fund In 1973, Edelman established the Childrens Defense Fund as a voice for poor, minority, and disabled children. She served as a public speaker on behalf of these children, and also as a lobbyist in Congress and both president and administrative head of the organization. The agency served not only as an advocacy organization, but as a research center, documenting the problems of children in need and searching for ways to help them. To keep the agency independent, she saw that it was financed entirely with private funds. The Childrens Defense Fund has supported a variety of the legislation, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which created protections for children with disabilities in the classroom; the Childrens Health Insurance Program, which expanded health insurance coverage for children; and the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, which improved foster care programs. Edelman has published several books about her ideas. The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours was a surprising success. In the 1990s after Bill Clinton was elected President, First Lady Hillary Clintons involvement with the Childrens Defense Fund brought significant attention to the organization. But Edelman did not pull her punches in criticizing the Clinton administrations legislative agenda- including its welfare reform initiatives- when she believed it would be disadvantageous to the nations neediest children. In 1993, the Childrens Defense Fund launched a Freedom Schools initiative to promote literacy and learning through reading. The group also launched a program that awards college scholarships and trains young leaders. The Childrens Defense Fund has also been involved in efforts to help low-income families with childcare and healthcare. As part of the efforts of the Childrens Defense Fund, Edelman has also advocated for pregnancy prevention, child care funding, health care funding, prenatal care, and gun control. In 1985, she received a MacArthur Genius grant, and in 1991 she was named ABCs Person of the Week- The Childrens Champion. Edelman is also the recipient of more than 65 honorary degrees. In 2000, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom- one of the nations highest honors. Books Edelman is the author of numerous books for children and adults. Her titles for young readers include Im Your Child, God: Prayers for Our Children, Guide My Feet: Prayers and Meditations for Our Children, The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours, and Stand for Children. Edelmans books for adults include Lanterns: A Memoir of Mentors, I Dream a World, and Families in Peril: An Agenda for Social Change. Sources Edelman, Marian Wright. The Measure of Our Success: a Letter to My Children and Yours. Beacon Press, 1993.Siegel, Beatrice. Marian Wright Edelman: the Making of a Crusader. Simon Schuster, 1995.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Air Pollution in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Air Pollution in China - Essay Example The health analysts have promised more disease such as lung cancer, pulmonary diseases, and other health complications as a consequence of the air pollution trends. Cumulatively, the effects of air pollution have a negative impact on the economic growth of a country, which is a severe problem in society. Consequently, there is a need to focus on the causes of air pollution, its impacts and the possible preventive measures that can be used to mitigate against the scourge. Reilly (2011, p. 1) points out that the progressive development of China for three consecutive decades has come along with adverse consequences on the environment. In the last 30 years, China has experienced the highest level of industrial development which has consistently contributed to the development of this state. However, industrialization has been accompanied by the emission of hazardous gases in the atmosphere which has contributed to an increase in the carbon dioxide gas content in the atmosphere. Most indus tries use crude oil products to fuel their machines as the source of industrial power. The by product of these industries include smoke, whose carbon dioxide content is high and additive to the atmosphere. As most industries regard the cost of fuel as cheaper than that of electricity, they opt to use this kind of power and consequently contributing to build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Urbanisation is another factor that has contributed to the increased air pollution in the atmospheres. With development of industries, most people have relocated to urban areas in search of job opportunities and better livelihoods. This population build up in China towns predisposes the environment to the risk of air pollution. For instance, Beijing alone has a population of more that 22 million people, a figure that is more than double the population in New York City (Policy and Global Affairs, 2005). As people obtain job in the urban areas, they have the ability to purchase vehicles that run by diesel or petrol. For instance, in Beijing, every day the town experience an increase in its automotive by a figure of 2000 new cars. This trend promises an increase in the rate of air pollution and an increase in the adverse effects of the carbon dioxide surge in the atmosphere. This has sent an alarm to environmentalists to design effective mitigative measures to reduce and if possible eliminate the level of air pollution in China. In the rural areas of China, solid fuels contribute to the increase in the rates of air pollution in the country (Policy and Global Affairs, 2005, P. 6). One characteristic of the rural areas in China is that they have the poorest and disadvantaged groups who live well below the poverty line. This lifestyle makes it hard for the people to afford alternative means of fuel such as electricity and they have to resort to the use of coal, corn stalks, firewood and other biomass. Burning these solid fuels produces a lot of smoke that contains high leve ls of carbon dioxide and other unfriendly gases that are unhealthy for human consumption. Coupled with the fact that this population has no chimney facilities accelerates the rate of air pollution in the atmosphere. The fact that the majority of the population lives in rural areas makes it even more complex to induce preventive measures to curb environmental pollution in this region of China. In essence, Energy is a
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Paper 2 - Essay Example For instance, Lauren Slater’s Metaphorical Memoir ‘Lying’, she chronicles her youth, how she struggled with epilepsy until she was cured through psychotherapy and medication; however, Slater also narrates how, when after being diagnosed with epilepsy, she developed the irresistible compulsion to lie. On the other hand, in her Autobiographical Memoir titled â€Å"The Kiss†, Kathryn Harrison reveals how, due toan unhealthy relationship with her mother, she became a victim of an incestuous relationship with her father. In this respect, we can posit that both Slater and Harrison had devised alternative ways of seeking attention to fill the emptiness from being neglected while growing up- compulsive lying and incestuous relationship respectively. Lauren Slater’s metaphorical memoir ‘Lying’ is an outright lie right from the title where she boldly and loudly announces that the contents of the book do not represent a true account of her life. As if that is not enough, Lauren Slater advertently imposes upon the reader a need to redraw the lines between factual truth and metaphorical truths; she achieves this by cunningly confusing facts and fiction throughout the book thus undermining the very essence of a memoir, which naturally is supposed to be a true account of events in one’s life. ... uring her adolescence, Lauren too begins lying, stealing and faking seizures as alternative ways of seeking attention from the people around her; this shows how neglected she was and how desperately she craved for the much needed attention. Later in her life, Slater begins an affair with a married man who was much older than she was but the relationship ends badly; Slater resorts to attending Alcoholics Anonymous sessions even though she was not alcoholic. However, Slater tells her story with so much conviction that even when she later confesses that she was not an alcoholic, everyone dismisses her true story as denial (Slater 207). The interplay between literal/factual with the Metaphorical/fictional is heightened even further when Slater suggests that epilepsy affects the memory thus, by confusing her emotional memory and factual memory, Slater raises concerns about the fundamental assumptions of the Memoir genre and all narrative self-disclosure. Kathryn Harrison develops an inces tuous relationship with her father as a way of courting the much needed attention due to her being neglected by her mother while growing up. In her autobiographical novel, â€Å"The Kiss†, Harrison reveals how her distant father figure coupled with the unhealthy relationship with her mother translates into a four-year incestuous affair; growing up, Harrison had close to no clue of her father until she recreates him in her own mind as someone bigger, faster and stronger than all other dads do. Harrison is raised by her grandparents because her parents divorced when she was only six months old (Harrison 5); her father appears ghostly, almost mythical because she is not allowed to discuss or talk about him. This causes the young Harrison to become extremely curious about her absent father, the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Geriatric Care Available in New Zealand
Geriatric Care Available in New Zealand Introduction Ageing population has out growth its number for years in many countries such as New Zealand that has a number of ageing population. Most ageing population are physically fit and have a healthy life style. But some of their numbers suffers from the most common geriatric problems such as dementia and Alzheimer which cannot be prevented due to their age, lifestyle factors they had when they were young and so as genetic factors. Thus, requires geriatric services in different delivery setting that will be able to help and support them to go on with their life as normal as possible. This geriatric services includes evaluation, treatments, recovery, support groups and includes support groups that are well knowledge in handling geriatrics needs. Abstract This report will identify and describe the different geriatric services that assisting the aged population here in New Zealand. That employees and people of our Rest Home will be well informed accurately of the other services that can also be offered to the clients and be able to know the proper care that aged people needs to be holistically cared of. The present discussion will embrace the reality, motivate and to promote quality geriatric health care services in our Rest Home with the services that is already available in the government services. There are different services that the New Zealand Government offers to the aged population to improve and protect their wellbeing. It is well stated by the Minister for Senior Citizen Hon Jo Goodhew (2013) that, â€Å"Our older population is becoming increasingly diverse, offering valuable knowledge, skills and experience. My vision for the future is a place where everyone lives life to the full. This is what we as New Zealanders want for our parents and grandparents, as well as ourselves and our children in years to come. People who lead full and successful lives in their younger years will take this success into their older years.†The government takes steps to focus the needs and improving the services that will ensure and protect the ageing population welfare and well-being. Health Disability Advocacy NgÄ Kaitautoko This service supports people in making sure that their human rights are being valued. If in case of health and disability service complaints advocates takes side of complainants. This service is offered for people for free and advocates are willing to support in assistance to resolve complaints. Health and Disability Advocacy service is helpful for elderly and their family to ensure that they are well knowledge of what are their rights as consumers specially those who are living in a home care. In case like a member of a family felt that his or her love one is being neglected in a home care due to her illness such as dementia that we all know that is common to the elderly. The member can seek help and advice to the advocates to voice out their concerns in regards with the treatment and care. Advocates will be able to make arrangements for the both parties to resolve the complaint. Updated information can be access in Health Disability website (www.advocacy.hdc.org.nz) Age Concern He Manaakitanga KaumÄ tua Age concern is a non-profit organisation that offers useful help in the ageing population of New Zealand. They make sure that the whole walfare of every eldery is being respected and honored. Aged population over 65 years old can benefit in the services that the organisation offers they have a elder abuse and neglect prevention this service is available in majority cities in the entire country. The organisation can help elders that maybe physically, mentally, emotionally and monetary abuse by their family or other people due to their age or current state of health. More information can be access in Age Concern official site (www.ageconcern.org.nz) Alzheimers New Zealand A charitable institution that caters its service particularly for elderly with dementia and alzheimers. This institution helps provide support to people especially family with elderly that might be suffering or suffering from the illness. They give well rounded information regarding the early assessment and diagnosis of dementia, offer support to families to cope in caring with their love one who is diagnose with the illness and they organize programmes for the people who are diagnose with dementia and for the awareness of other people about the said illness. More up to date information and ongoing support can be seen in Alzheimers New Zealand (www.alzheimers.org.nz) HealthEd HealthEd, it is an online service that provides information to people regarding public health. They have array of up to date information that will boost people knowledge in taking care maintaining and improving of their present health condition. The website is designed to be easily use by everyone even the elderly they first have to register in order to save the article that they want to request and eventually use it as a future reference. Once the sign up is done the person may request or search from the resources the provider have. The articles maybe available in different formats like pampelts, books that can be borrow by individual who wants to learn more regarding on improvement of their health and their family. More detailed information can be access in HealthEd (www.healthed.govt.nz) Super Gold Super Gold card is a free of charge card and so as a privilege card for the eligible senior’s age 65 years and over and veterans in New Zealand. With this card elders can have general discounts in different business establishments. They can even have free ride on the government funded means of transportation like the buses and trains during the off-peak hours. This card also gives special discount on latest special deals that runs regularly which can be updated thru the website. Elders benefit a lot from this service for it helps them to lessen the amount of their daily expenses. Specific information is provided in the website of Super Gold (www.supergold.govt.nz) Geriatrics Service Provision Hospitals Hospitalsare one offew institution that provides service to aging populations that diagnose with illness that needs a completepatienttreatment and to be look after by specialised staff and equip with equipment that can be used to fully assess a patient. All level of care in related to assessments, interventions and managements care is available in a hospital setting. Hospital is composed of interdisciplinary team member that hand in hand helps patient to improve patient care and outcomes. Clinical set up provides elderlies the available, standardized and up to date treatments that they need to ensure quality of care. It have geriatric co management that have access to different specialist that will be able to properly assess the full detection of illness to decrease mobility and mortality rates. For dementia patient they are assessed more in this institution for it have all the equipment’s and specialist needed for them to be fully diagnoses with the illness. General Practitioner General practitionerprovides the first line of medicalcarein a community they assess, diagnose, treat acute non-life-threatening patient and referral to specialize doctor if necessary. But once patient requires more medical attention that is the time they are send to the hospital for further examination and treatment. Age related alteration such as dementia need to be fully assess in order for medical allied to set the appropriate interventions needed. Residential Care Residential care services has a different scope of related services for elderlies such as palliative care, rehabilitative services and other geriatric programmes. Residential care are composed of well trained, competence people who will provide supportive and full assistance in everyday aspect of care to the elders’. This people are full responsible in making sure that they provide holistic care to the elderlies specially those who are dependent to the care of others. There are different residential care that specialized in care for different geriatric problems such as dementia care, psychological challenged patients for they can surely provide proper care and attention to the client. Physiotherapists Age associated changes such a s loss of muscles mass and strengths, decrease of muscles force and other physiological changes have a negative impact in elders daily living. For a stroke patient after full assessment proper treatment most elders need to under series of rehabilitation to be able to cope with their daily life routine and to recover and increase their independence if possible. Interventions for functionality, mobility, gross and fine motor skills is being develop slowly in every session to increase, promote and to enhance elderly functionality for their daily activities to prevent falls and injury. Memory Services It is age related that neurological changes such as memory function and cognition of the aged population is being affect through time. Some elders cognitive process declines where some still able to sustain information and still have significant cognitive performance. For those who are diagnose with Dementia or Alzheimers’ disease can undergo treatments and lifestyle modification to be able to improve their cognitive function if not be able to be assess with their daily functional status to ensure their safety specially they are predisposed to accident such as fall and injuries. Dieticians Elders’ nutrition should be given one of the highest priority to promote and maintain good health. Aged people should have a proper balance of all their daily intake, dietician are experts to help to determine nutritional needs and health of an individual. Individual specially the elderly’s who are diagnose or predispose with diabetes should see a dietician to have their assessment, management and modification of their daily intake. As part of the Geriatric Health Care Specialist I have prepared a simple outline that can be use to help individual such as family members, staffs to understand and to take part in taking care of our elders and understanding the stigma geriatrics are facing specially dementia and Alzheimer patients. Our elders needs us specially the frail, known disability and those who have diminished their quality of life. Geriatric problems are not just centered to delirium, malnutirion, falls, incontinence that should be assessed and management. We should be able to recognize and address the every needs of the older people to be able to improve our care and their quality of life. To help reverse the stigma that elderlies facing due to their age and conditions mostly those who are diagnose with dementia. We will deliver quality care and collective interdisciplinary effort to protect our elders with some of the current stigma they are facing. Dementia patients faces social isolation from individual and their families Dementia patient may have cognitive decline unlike any other geriatric associate illness they still have emotion and they still need to feel the sense of belongingness and acceptance of their family and the society. This isolation stigma can be lessen if there will be enough knowledge regarding the illness. A health educator will be able to help with managing health education regarding the changes and what to expect as the illness affects the patient. With proper care, awareness and understanding will be beneficial to the patient and so as physical and social activities can be offer to maintain their physical, social and cognitive function. Family and friends can have a flexible time of visitation if the patient is settled in a rest home and bonding with family members must be encourage. Elderlies will be encourage to participate in scheduled physical activities such as routine exercise, indoor and outdoor activities to promote socialization with other patients and people around them. People’s assumption of automatic loss of independence of dementia patients Some people who are not well informed regarding dementia assumes that individual after by this illness loss their sense of independence. It may be true in some ways but it is only for the people around the patient can truly understand their needs. Family and care providers could be educated regarding the value of independence for elderly with dementia and it is highly recommended to increase functional activity. With simple routine of letting them eat in their own with care giver less supervision can help them to improve their independence. Family members and care providers should be given free education regarding the safety needs of the elderly in regards will falls, injuries and other common complication due to their health condition and to assure the safety as they move independently as much as they can. Dementia patients unable to make decision regarding their own care Cognitive impairment may be present in dementia and they may not be able to actively participate in making decision with their care but they still need to be advise of their present situation, care plan and treatment that they will be undergoing. They may not be directly involve with the care management family should be there to give care and be there to know the situation of the patient. But dementia patient capacity to secure consent should be and could be practice in making, adjusting and changing health care programme though they may not seemly understand and remember the situation the fact they were involve with the process it will give them the sense of individuality. Dissatisfying interaction with the medical community Dementia has an essential research topic for years as this is well labelled aged illness people became hesitant in seeking evaluation. Medical personnel or physicians may sometimes become hesitant in discussing dementia for the patient and family may have initial thought of it is total useless for them to know those vital information because the said illness is non curable and progresses to worst case scenario in time. But having it well explain in an easy manner that can be clearly understand and physician can give an clear insights of what to expect and what treatment can be offer can provide an opportunity to improve the quality life of the patient. Having uncertainty of support services and treatments As some think that dementia have no cure and highly prevalent to elders they become uncertain in seeking medical attention in regards with the illness. For they may think that what is the sense of having it manage if they is no evidence of progress. Support care like rest homes must to be a friendly and safe place of elders with handrails, good and adequate light source, wide doorways, hallways and other setting to ensure safety. Personnel’s and care givers must will be highly trained to deliver a friendly and non-threating physically, emotionally, mentally environment to dementia patients. Advice that family members and friends are highly advise to bring in patients familiar personal things to promote familiarization. If patient or patient family cannot afford medication or treatment be able to recommend alternatives where they can ask for help or further assistance. Conclusion All in all, Elderlies many challenges to their health and daily function as it is not inevitable. Relevant interventions is available in many ways as the government also supports and sees the needs of the aged population. It is the people surrounds and care for them that is responsible to make use of it for their good. As this interventions and practices will still acknowledge, maximize the older person’s capabilities and potential as an individual to function with and without assistance. That sick and well elders must be treated well, individuality is respected and their dignity must be maintain at all times. Elders must be given an opportunity to remain independent and be able to function in the situation as possible they may experience distressing situation but their support system must be evidence at all times. Recommendation Given the above information’s in this report improving the health care for the elderly in facing their geriatrics concern is a hand in hand contribution starting from the patient, family, friends, elderly institution and the government. Consistent action with all the parties involve will address the identified and the unknown needs of the elderlies to be able to live their lives the best way possible. The measure of the overall effectiveness of services provided to the elderlies will show minimum supervision from their caregivers in performing their daily activities and they will be fully accepted by the society the way they should be. With the support and contribution of the government aged care system will be more sustainable and affordable for the each and every individual well and sick. Be able to promote good, positive attitude and awareness towards patients who were diagnose with dementia or any illness and their rights as individual must be respected at all time in any situation. References Age Concern. Retrieved from http://www.ageconcern.org.nz Alzheimers New Zealand. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.alzheimers.org.nz Health Disability Advocacy. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.advocacy.hdc.org.nz HealthEd. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.healthed.govt.nz Office for senior citizen. (2013, October 01). Ministers foreword Hon Jo Goodhew. Older New Zealanders-Healthy, independent, connected and respected, 3. Retrieved from http://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/what-we-can-do/seniorcitizens/positive-ageing/older-new-zealanders.pdf Super Gold. Retrieved from http://www.supergold.govt.nz
Friday, January 17, 2020
Grade graduation speech
You know, I never expected to be standing up here but here I m, giving this speech and probably doing a terrible Job at It because If you couldn't tell, I'm pretty nervous. But thanks to NAMES, It pushed me out of my comfort zone and onto this stage In front of all you wonderful people. Succeeding from middle school Is no easy task, looking back It surprises me that I even made It this far. A famous author, Theodore Roosevelt, once said, â€Å"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but If he has a collage education he may steal the whole rally road. Even though we have a while to get a collage education, we've made It here, to the end of 8th grade. Just like a rail road the train has to be set on a good track, just like our education. So far for this 8th grade class, our tracks have been fantastic ever since we first started our journey. Our first stop was 6th grade. New building, new people, and it were a whole new environment. New fears emerged and I reme mber feeling like a fish out of the sea.The year went by and our next stop was 7th grade, which the teachers have been preparing us for. We came back much more confident than the year before. We looked down at the 6th graders and asked ourselves, â€Å"Were we that short just last year? And by the end of 7th grade, we were on our way to 8th grade. The year started off at a sprint and it seems to have left many of us still trying to catch our breath but 8th grade is also the year we start becoming independent and learn to let go of our guardian's hands.From the moment we stepped foot into this building till the moment we walk out, this Journey has definitely been an unforgettable one for all of us. On this Journey, we have laughed, we have cried, we have argued, we have learned, and we are about to enter into another mile of our journey in a new place. Some of us will go one way, and others another, but at the ND of the Journey we will always have the memories of here, of this schoo l, the memories of our NAMES pride and traditions.As we say goodbye on the last day we sit together as NAMES students, we reflect on what has happened the past 3 years, but also look forward to yet another Journey coming up, high school. 8th grade graduation speech By Maintain-Tastes have been able to accomplish this much without their help. So today, in honor of all am, giving this speech and probably doing a terrible Job at it because if you couldn't tell, I'm pretty nervous. But thanks to NAMES, it pushed me out of my comfort zone and onto this stage in front of all you wonderful people.Succeeding from middle school is no easy task, looking back it surprises me that I even made it this far. A famous steal from a freight car; but if he has a collage education he may steal the whole rail road. †Even though we have a while to get a collage education, we've made it here, to the end of 8th grade. Just like a rail road the train has to be set on a good track, Just since we first started our Journey. Our first stop was 6th grade. New building, new we that short Just last year? †And by the end of 7th grade, we were on our way to 8th
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Brokeback Mountain - 1651 Words
Brokeback Mountain is a film that describes a tragedy surrounding forbidden love. The love is between two men, Ennis and Jack and the setting is Wyoming for twenty years from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. This was a time of conservative values that looked at homosexuality in a negative light. These values caused Ennis and Jack to create a life that was what was expected in spite of what they wanted. From this came a great deal of frustration and pain for the two men, their wives, and families. The movie also related to a common issue of today’s society and that is the continued discrimination of the LGBT community. There are signs of change in modern society, but also much needed work to be done to allow an individual to live a life with freedom to express their sexuality. When the viewer looks at the film from a sociological perspective, the issue of societal norms is seen and the abnormal relationship in a homosexual relationship is the focus. When you thi nk of the western part of the United States, the wild west comes to mind. Settlers moving across our country during the 1800’s to start a new life and look for adventure. With that comes the roles of the men and women who were involved in the movement. Men were considered â€Å"real men†, that were in charge of their lives, law, women, and the land. These men conquered all that was put in front of them and never backed away from what was put in front of them. Their sexuality was seen as a dominate male who loved andShow MoreRelatedThere s Nothing But Love : Brokeback Mountain1314 Words  | 6 PagesThere’s Nothing but Love: Brokeback Mountain Brokeback Mountain is a 2005 American romantic film directed by Ang Lee. This film was won the 78th Academy Awards in 2006 for multiple nominations, including the Best Director, the Best Adapted Screenplay and the Best Original Score. Ang Lee uses all means to depict the details of the love and emotion in the movie. He likes making dramas in different ingredients that are in competition. He explains when love comes, there is no difference between theRead MoreThe Battle Of Algiers ( A Reenactment Of Algeria s Fight For Independence1328 Words  | 6 PagesAn imperative aspect of art is that it is open to interpretation and analysis. If the piece of art is significant, it will be thought or emotion provoking and uncensored. It is not the role of art take cautious steps in an attempt to leave its audience unoffended, but rather to embrace diversity of thought and creativity to portray untainted ideas. Filmmakingâ€â€being a form of artâ€â€follows the same guidelines and thus sh apes society through its objectionable and often jarring subject matter. The BattleRead MoreFilm Review : Lust Caution2262 Words  | 10 PagesAs the movie opened in a mahjong-game in Shanghai in WWII-era, we met Mrs. Mak, who was a undercover role played by Chia-Chi Wong(â€Å"Wong†)( played by Tang Wei), a serect agent of the puppet government of Japan Mr. Yee (play by Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) who was the assassinated target of Wong. Wong belonged to a troupe of drama students(â€Å"the troupe†) from Hong Kong University who plan this assassination. Lust, Caution, the next creation after Ann Lee had won the Best Director for Brokeback Mountain at AcademyRead MoreEssay On The Zodiac Killer3047 Words  | 13 Pagesresearched 2007 movie, Zodiac†(.Collis, Clark. To CATCH the ZODIAC Killer. Entertainment Weekly, no. 1468/1469, 02 June 2017,).The zodiac is famous for kill and get away with it and how he mack the FBI and police and the letter that he write.The mur ders did not fall under federal jurisdiction, so the FBI never opened an investigation. But a glance through the FBI’s public records on the case shows how local law enforcement agencies called on the FBI’s expertise in handwriting analysis, cryptanalysisRead MoreThe Influence Of Age, Religion, And Intergroup Contact6284 Words  | 26 PagesIntergroup contact can increase tolerance and empathy while decreasing stereotypes, prejudice, and conflict. This can be used to explain the increase in acceptance of same-sex marriage among generational groups and religions. G.G. Lewis? (2011) meta-analysis of 27 nationally representative survey results revealed that respondents who knew someone gay, lesbian, or bisexual were more likely to support gay rights, a trend identified in every demographic, religious, and political group (Lewis 2011). DimockRead MoreNespresso Co. Analysis15084 Words  | 61 Pagesby Germany, Italy and France. Furthermore, the Rhaeto-Romanic cultur e in the eastern mountains of Switzerland is robust. i. Art The Folk Art still exists because organizations all over the country strive to preserve it. It includes fields like music, dance, poetry, wood carving and embroidery (usually showed on traditional clothing). In addition, there are some forms of arts that are only kept in the mountains, like Yodeling (a type of singing) or accordion (music instrument) or even alphorn (aRead MoreAn Introduction to Intercultural Communication29172 Words  | 117 Pagesthe same house for a long time, said 21-year-old student Maryam al-Sayrafi, who summed up most Muslims feelings on the show. The failure of Al-Rais points to two things: 1) the adverse consequences of a failure to incorporate cross cultural analysis into a business strategy; in this case a TV show, and 2) the importance of cross cultural understanding in transferring ideas and concepts across cultures. Cross Cultural Communication PR The Public Relations (PR) industry is responsible for
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Power of the Gods and Religion in Oedipus the King Essay
In the tragic play, Oedipus Rex, the Gods and religion greatly influence the social structure which in turn has a profound effect upon how the events unfold. Oedipus is the head of the state. There is a direct parallel in the demise of his household and city state which eventually comes to a full circle to destroy him. Even though Oedipus is praised by his people for being a responsible and honest king, he possesses a major character flaw in his attitude towards the gods which causes the tragic torture he faces in the end. Over the duration of the play, there is a strong sense of contamination towards the state, because it is facing a time of plague, and towards the leader Oedipus, because he is unknowingly in a relationship with his own†¦show more content†¦Teresias, a messenger of the foods, tells Oedipus he is the reason his state is in ruins. The people of the land are religious and live there lives according to what messengers and oracles tell them. For Oedipus religion is pushed aside and he believes more in himself. The city of the Thebes is also considered to be a scientifically advanced city and science rejects religion which is another great factor in the downfall of the city. These factors lead the state and the household of Oedipus into contamination which will only be cleansed by the gods and fate. The kings household and family are greatly affected by the religion in that there lack of believe in the gods has caused devastation within there lives. Iokaste, both Oedipuss queen and mother, is a strong believer in the oracle. She does not want to believe that Oedipus is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Her believe in the idea that man can change his fate is challenged as she discovers that Oedipus is truly her son and he in fact killed his father 9 (i.e. her first husband). She is punished by the gods for being a disbeliever. Her punishment of becoming a disbeliever comes in the form of committing the sin of incest, which brings her form the top of the chain of being to the very bottom. The unbearable thought drives her to kill herself and leave her daughters motherless. The overallShow MoreRelatedGods vs. Mortals in Oedipus Rex the Bacchae1572 Words  | 7 Pagesabout many other gods demonstrating their power over mortals. Two such gods are Apollo and Dion ysus. In the stories Oedipus Rex and The Bacchae, these gods conflict with men that are not just average mortals, but respected kings. Although the political position of these kings makes them feel superior to all, the gods in the two stories show them that immortals are far superior to any man. In this way, Oedipus Rex and The Bacchae present a tension between politics and religion, the result ofRead MoreDivine Communication In Oedipus The King1240 Words  | 5 PagesDivine communication is the contact between a higher power and a civilian and can be seen in many works of literature throughout the ages. Divine communication comes in many forms such as oracles, prophets and direct communication with God. In The Bible, on many occasions, the reader can see individuals having direct contact with God while in Oedipus the King, divine communication comes in the form of oracles and prophets. These two works of literature have contrasting uses of divine communicationRead MoreReligio n In Oedipus The King1012 Words  | 5 PagesIn Oedipus, the King, the main character, Oedipus, starts the play in the highest prestige, he is the King of Thebes and is held in high regard to almost all citizens for his prosperous reign. By the end of the play, Oedipus is vilified by his citizens and almost all the people of Thebes. I argue that Oedipus’ downfall is directly linked to his rejection of religious guidance and omens; namely, the Gods and the oracle. One could argue that no divine entity openly acts out toward Oedipus, howeverRead MoreEssay about Oedipus the King: A Greek Tragic Hero1096 Words  | 5 Pagescharacter known as the tragic hero. In the play, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, the character Oedipus, portrays to the reader the necessary, central, tragic hero. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero has a supreme pride (Jones. Pg. 133). That pride is a reflection of arrogance and conceit that suggests superiority to man and equality with the gods. Students of religion are often taught that pride Goethe before the fall. In Oedipus situation, his pride, coupled with religious fervorRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, And Beowulf854 Words  | 4 Pagesintangible characteristics and their believe system in God or a god/gods. As we age and experience life, many people change the way they define themselves. Throughout the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†, â€Å"Oedipus the King†, â€Å"The Odyssey†, and â€Å"Beowulf†, the readers notice how society defines each main character by their heroic characteristics, the relationship between the humans and the divine, and the differences of how each hero’s journey ends. Gilgamesh, Oedipus, Odysseus, and Beowulf display several characteristicsRead MoreEssay on Oedipus the King: A Tragic Hero698 Words  | 3 Pagesperfectly completes this cycle of emotions is Oedipus the King by Sophocles. This play follows a king of the town of Thebes through his journey of the emotions of pity, fear, and finally a catharsis. It is a tale of a man who unknowingly kills his father and fathers the children of his mother as well. The audience is pulled into the play and experiences the plot along with Oedipus. The emotion of pity enters the play right from the beginning. First, it is Oedipus who feels pity for his people and theirRead More Essay on Jocasta in Oedipus the King653 Words  | 3 Pages The Role of Jocasta in Oedipus the King Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. nbsp;(James 1:12) nbsp;Such is the proclamation in the Holy Bible, and so was the proclamation in ancient Greece. Since the founding of religion, the gods have sought to test those with power. Jocasta was sent by Apollo to do just that: to test Oedipus - the king of Thebes - faith and convictionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey And Oedipus The King 999 Words  | 4 PagesOdyssey and Oedipus the king the thing they went through was very difficult times in there life. That would have them make no other choice but to call on a higher powers. But as human, when we get idea of God and we think that God controls the nature. It s like we don t look at it as something else out there has control of our happiness and determining our good and bad fortune. It does come a point we acknowledge God as that person who controls our life as wel l. When we pray to our high power we askRead MoreEssay on Sophocles Oedipus Rex1369 Words  | 6 PagesSophocles Oedipus Rex As the plot in Sophocles famous play Oedipus Rex unfolds, many aspects of the relationship between ancient Greeks and their gods are revealed. It demonstrates that the people couldRead More Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King - Fate and the Modern World966 Words  | 4 PagesOedipus Rex, Fate, and the Modern World     In the two thousand since â€Å"Oedipus Rex†was written, it has been analyzed and dissected innumerable times and in every possible way. Usually the analysis has been within the context of the play itself or within the context of other Greek tragedies. Perhaps it would be more relevant and interesting to evaluate the play within the context of the modern world.         In his play Sophocles brings up many questions which are not easily answered
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