Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Power of the Gods and Religion in Oedipus the King Essay
In the tragic play, Oedipus Rex, the Gods and religion greatly influence the social structure which in turn has a profound effect upon how the events unfold. Oedipus is the head of the state. There is a direct parallel in the demise of his household and city state which eventually comes to a full circle to destroy him. Even though Oedipus is praised by his people for being a responsible and honest king, he possesses a major character flaw in his attitude towards the gods which causes the tragic torture he faces in the end. Over the duration of the play, there is a strong sense of contamination towards the state, because it is facing a time of plague, and towards the leader Oedipus, because he is unknowingly in a relationship with his own†¦show more content†¦Teresias, a messenger of the foods, tells Oedipus he is the reason his state is in ruins. The people of the land are religious and live there lives according to what messengers and oracles tell them. For Oedipus religion is pushed aside and he believes more in himself. The city of the Thebes is also considered to be a scientifically advanced city and science rejects religion which is another great factor in the downfall of the city. These factors lead the state and the household of Oedipus into contamination which will only be cleansed by the gods and fate. The kings household and family are greatly affected by the religion in that there lack of believe in the gods has caused devastation within there lives. Iokaste, both Oedipuss queen and mother, is a strong believer in the oracle. She does not want to believe that Oedipus is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Her believe in the idea that man can change his fate is challenged as she discovers that Oedipus is truly her son and he in fact killed his father 9 (i.e. her first husband). She is punished by the gods for being a disbeliever. Her punishment of becoming a disbeliever comes in the form of committing the sin of incest, which brings her form the top of the chain of being to the very bottom. The unbearable thought drives her to kill herself and leave her daughters motherless. The overallShow MoreRelatedGods vs. Mortals in Oedipus Rex the Bacchae1572 Words  | 7 Pagesabout many other gods demonstrating their power over mortals. Two such gods are Apollo and Dion ysus. In the stories Oedipus Rex and The Bacchae, these gods conflict with men that are not just average mortals, but respected kings. Although the political position of these kings makes them feel superior to all, the gods in the two stories show them that immortals are far superior to any man. 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