Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Writing P A Successful Accountant - 879 Words
Shu 1 Ren Shu 2015/03/08 Rebecca Writing P To be a Successful Accountant People’s normal lives are closely related to the economy. In addition, accounting is the root part of the economy. With the advent of the 21st century, accounting is becoming more and more popular among nowadays’ society. Many students choose accounting as their major. Many accountants are proud of themselves to have this job. However, it is not difficult to become an accountant, but it is hard to let everyone achieve excellent success. A qualified accountant needs to do a detailed cost accounting and financial analysis of the enterprise capital, income, spending, which can directly affects some measures or plans of the enterprise. So to be a good accountant, one must cultivate his meticulous, patient and responsible attitude in the face of the complex digital work step by step to maintain good working condition. No matter what kind of field you work or study in, you must have some advantages to prove yourselves as well as do well in your job. In order to identify these relevant abilities, I did a survey and asked some of the people to collect their own thoughts or experience about how to get success in accounting. After I finished the survey, I found out that the abilities not only includes the real skills we need to have but also you must have the â€Å"occupational ethics†or we can call the values of the jobs. These spirits will often go into work and make the job more outstanding. Methods:Show MoreRelatedResponsibilities Of A Cfo Versus A Controller, Accountant Or Bookkeeper Essay1386 Words  | 6 PagesThis article compares and contrasts the responsibilities of a CFO versus a Controller, Accountant or Bookkeeper. Many business owners do not understand the differences between the roles and the value a CFO can bring to the business. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Free Essays
Gatsby Chapter 4 essay How does Fitzgerald tell the story in Chapter 4? Throughout the chapter Fitzgerald uses a variety of different disciplines to tell the story of Gatsby, Nick and the other characters. In chapter 4, Fitzgerald uses narrative voice to portray Gatsby’s mysterious nature. Gatsby’s description of his background to Nick is a daunting puzzleâ€â€though he rattles off a seemingly far-fetched account of his grand upbringing and heroic exploits, he produces what appears to be proof of his story. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nick finds Gatsby’s story â€Å"threadbare†at first, but he eventually accepts at least part of it when he sees the photograph and the medal, ‘He reached into his pocket, and a piece of metal, slung on a piece of ribbon, fell into my palm’ Nick also expresses his surprise at the validity in Gatsby’s story ‘to my astonishment the thing had an authentic look’. Fitzgerald has cleverly used symbolism to portray how Gatsby has to act in everyday life. Gatsby and Nick travel through the Valley of Ashes at ‘great speed’, symbolizing Gatsby’s reluctance to be left in the middle, to not be on top in the wealthy part of New York anymore, as last time he was left he lost Daisy . They are stopped by police officers, who when shown a card by Gatsby leaves them alone, ‘Sorry Mr. Gatsby sir’ this shows the height of materialism and how the rich can easily manipulate the law due to their wealth. Fitzgerald uses this to introduce another discipline, Themes, through corruption. In this Chapter Nick meets Gatsby ‘friend’ Meyer Wolfshiem, The luncheon with Wolfshiem gives Nick the impression that Gatsby’s fortune may not have been obtained honestly, ‘I handed the money too†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ . Nick perceives that if Gatsby has connections with such characters as Wolfshiem, he might be involved in organized crime or bootlegging. In contrast to this when Jordan tells Nick of Gatsby’s ‘other life’ before his illegally obtained wealth she presents him as a lovesick teenager with maybe slight obsessive tendencies, ‘Gatsby bought that house so daisy would be just across the bay’. This adds an entirely new perspective for the reader as we now understand why Gatsby bought the house opposite the Buchanan’s and also why he was so interested in Nick when it appears they have nothing in common. This key feature in the chapter has been designed to evoke sympathy within the reader, a new emotion that has not yet before been presented in relation to the character of Gatsby. Now that Gatsby is a full-fledged character in the novel, the izarre inner conflict that enables Nick to feel such contradictory admiration and repulsion for him becomes known to us as Gatsby the lovesick soldier is an attractive figure, representative of hope and authenticity, Gatsby the crooked businessman, representative of greed and moral corruption, is the complete opposite. At the end of the Lunch when Nick goes to introduce Gatsby to Tom Buchanan, Gatsby has disappeared. Not only does this foreshadow the oncoming conflict that will soon arise between Gatsby and Tom is also adds to the mystery surrounding Gatsby as a character, ‘I turned towards Mr Gatsby, but he was no longer there’. A key symbolic feature in this chapter that reoccurs is the green light. Situated at the end of Daisy’s East Egg dock and barely visible from Gatsby’s West Egg lawn, the green light represents Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future. Gatsby associates it with Daisy, and in Chapter 1 he reaches toward it in the darkness as a guiding light to lead him to his goal. Because Gatsby’s quest for Daisy is broadly associated with the American dream, the green light also symbolizes that more generalized ideal. Also the fact that the light is green, which is usually associated with ‘go’ foreshadows that Gatsby’s reconciliation with Daisy is growing close. The green light is one of the most important symbols in The Great Gatsby. Like the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, the green light can be interpreted in many ways, and Fitzgerald leaves the precise meaning of the symbol to the reader’s interpretation. Many critics have suggested that, in addition to representing Gatsby’s love for Daisy, the green light represents the American dream itself. This is representative of the key discipline that Fitzgerald uses throughout the novel, symbolism. Another discipline Gatsby uses in this Chapter is narrative voice, by having Nick narrate the story we gain a firsthand perspective whilst also understanding his opinions that our evolving about the other main characters. Throughout the chapter Nicks thoughts and views shape the novel. For example ‘ I was walking along from one place to another.. ’ To conclude this chapter is arguably the most important in terms of symbolic features and Fitzgerald presents them in a way that they are most cleverly undetectable. How to cite The Great Gatsby Chapter 4, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Understanding International Market Environment Coca-Cola
Question: Discuss about the Understanding International Market Environmentfor Coca-Cola. Answer: Introduction One of the most noteworthy global trends is the rapid and continuous growth of international businesses(Cateora, 2008). Intercontinental integration of trade, investment, technology, and communication is bringing economies together. New technologies have increased the rate at which companies are becoming multinational. The understanding international market environment is the fine line that determines the success or failure of a global company(Mhlbacher, 2006). It involves acknowledging that people around the globe have different needs. Companies like Coca-Cola, Nike and Dominos are some of the organizations that have successfully adapted to the international market niche. Examples of SuccessfulUnderstanding of InternationalMarket Environment Coca-Cola is a global company that has adapted well to the global market environment. Good pricing, effective distribution network and promotion are some of the factors that have led to the success of the company. Coca Cola has a wide portfolio of beverages thus the pricing is done according to the market and geographic segment. Coca Cola is available all over the world since it has an effective distribution strategy that captures even the rural markets. Coca cola uses various promotional and advertising approaches to increase demand in the market by relating lifestyle with behavior and mainly focusing on value- based marketing. The organization appeals to the consumers emotions by using CSR as its marketing tool. It employs the both push and pulls strategies: promotions drive sales while advertising and campaigns pull customers (Czinkota, 2013) Nike marketing mix is one of the strongest and it mainly depends on the pull strategy. The company has established its hold as a market leader in shoes, apparel, and equipment (Fullerton, 2008).It focuses on producing high quality and a great variety of products including customizing shoes for every category of sports. For example, it designs cricket shoes to be 30% lighter than its competitors. It has adapted to new technology by making and selling products that have the capability to connect to iPod Nano and can evaluate the sportsperson performance. Nikeid an innovative sub-brand attracts a greater audience by allowing customers to design features of a product as per their desire and needs. Dominos is a widely known pizza chain because of its commitment to provide quality products and good service. Dominos localizes flavors to seize the market. It offers both vegan and non-vegan products. The company offers an option of whole-wheat crust which no other company is utilizing. It also uses specially designed boxes to keep food products fresh and hot and has an efficient delivery system. Dominos is famous for its quick delivery services; it is associated with fast delivery with excellent taste(Shah, 2013) Examples of UnsuccessfulMarketing Solutions The greater the empire the, the larger its capacity taking risks(Saxena, 2005). Investing in market research, advertising and campaigns can result in tremendous successes, but may as well lead to miserable failure(Alam, 2014). Microsofts Zune, Nestle and PepsiCo subsidiary Frito-Lay are examples of failed marketing as a result of having one bad aspect of marketing mix. Companies usually introduce new commodities in response to a rivals fruitful idea. However, such merchandises fail if they do not capture the customers attention or they cannot equipoise to the competition. Microsoft developed Zune in reaction to Apples successful products. Customer reviews of the product were harsh due to technical problems such as lack of an easy to use music store. Many froze as a result of software hitches making it difficult to contend with Apples reputable iPod. Microsoft invested millions in advertising without success. The company was forced to abandon the brand due to dismal results. Theme message plays a fundamental role in the success of a brand. Culture is one of the aspects to consider when formulating a theme message: it should be culture sensitive. Nestle was hit by a scandal in 1977 and still continues today when it decided to target poor mothers in developing countries. The company employed aggressive marketing and advertising tactics in Africa, South America, and Asia, advocating the view that its milk was more tasty and healthy than breastfeeding. The formula needed to be mixed with water, however fresh clean water was not readily available to their target demographic. The issue is not going away for Nestle because when infant diseases and death in underprivileged societies is discussed, a contributing factor is the elevation of formula milk and the dissuasion of breastfeeding. The product did not reflect on the message it was sending, the target demographic and power of international pressure groups (De Mooij, 2013) Brands emerge as solutions to problems by offering better products. To offer healthier and less fattening food, PepsiCos subsidiary Frito-Lay launched WOW! chips. WOW! Chips had a significantly small amount of fat since it was made using a fat substitute, olestra. However, olestra had a harsh effect on the body such as dysentery, abdominal pain, and incontinence. PepsiCo invested $35 million publicizing budget to counteract damaging views, nonetheless the sales failed miserably. The company faced lawsuits prompted by the absence of warning label. Conclusion By considering the various needs of people around the world and using the various aspects of the marketing mix, Coca Cola, Nike and Dominos are some of the organizations that have successfully adapted to the international market environment. Failure to consider factors influencing the market niche can lead to failure of a brand as illustrated in the examples of Microsoft Zune, Nestle, and Frito-Lays. References Alam, M. R. (2014). Product pisitioning strategy causing success or failure. International journal of research in commeerce and management. Cateora, P. (2008). International marketing. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Czinkota, M. R. (2013). International Marketing. Cengage learning. De Mooij, M. (2013). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Fullerton, S. . (2008). The four domains of sports marketing: A conceptual framework. Sport Marketing Quarterly. Sports Marketing Quarterly, 17(2). Mhlbacher, H. L. (2006). International Marketing: A global perspective. Cengage Learning EMEA. Saxena, R. (2005). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Shah, R. (2013). Impact of marketing mix elements on customer loyalty: A study of fast food industry. Prestige international journal of management and research, 6(2/1),54.
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