Saturday, November 30, 2019
Revolutionary QM212 Essays - Immunology, Immune System, Antibody
Revolutionary QM212 Abstract: A new process in bio-chemistry involves the manipulation of molecules to defeat diseases, viruses, chemical warfare, and to reduce the cost of bio-chemical engineering. This new process is refined in that the researcher utilizes new computer technology to model the behavior of certain molecules to insert a "slot" for discarding unwanted foreign objects. These unwanted foreign objects are discarded by fixing the slot to fit the objects. This slot can be customized, through manipulation and modelling, to fit many different objects. Therefore, objects such as viruses, poisonings, or bacteria, could be jetted out of ones body. This aspect could one day benefit millions of people around the world. Chemical Process: Teams from universities successfully inserted instructions for building an anti-fluorescein antibody in the DNA of bacteria. This antibody binds with fluorescein molecules. Into this chunk of material, they inserted instructions for buildin g a metal-ion binding sight. They discovered where to put this slot by simulating the antibody on a large computer. The resulting product revealed an anti-fluorescein antibody which binds to metal ions. After physically inserting the genetic code in to E. coli. bacteria, the researchers had a large batch of a new compound which they named QM212. When copper was added to this new batch, it binded with the metal-ion binding sight, decreasing the fluorescent emissions. Applications: The human immune system already uses similar antibodies for similar tasks. Natural antibodies conform to the shape of foreign bodies and bind to the outer surface. They then release enzymes to break down the substance. In the experiment, c opper acted as the foreign body while QM212 was the antibody. One application of this process could be used by the military. The military, utilizing bio-chemical tools, could engineer an antibody which binds with nerve gas and splits each molecule. This could be accomplished by first of all searching t he Brookhaven database for a proper antibody. Then, using large mainframe computers, one can manipulate models of the antibody and create a binding sight for the nerve gas molecules. Then, the soldier would inject himself with the antibodies when h e is nerve gased. Another application of this process could be used by bio? chemists in fighting the AIDS epidemic. If an antibody was engineered to conform to the AIDS virus, it could break it in half and dispose of it. Finally, using E. coli., synthetic antibodies replacing current vaccines could be mass produced. Instead of growing cultures of a disease then killing them for use in vaccines, one could produce one antibody which conforms to the disease the n reproduce this with E. Coli. Impacts: The impact of these applications could benefit people around the world. Soldiers would not die (and continue killing like blind mice) because of the nerve gas serum. The AIDS epidemic would halt as announcements of a new product which would desist the AIDS virus fill the radio waves. AIDS is increasing exponentially and this would halt its fatal expansion. Also, biologists would no longer waste money in replicating vaccines. A mini-computer would be used to replicate synthetic antibodies instead. Creating molecules with the uncanningly precise seek-and? destroy capabilities of natural antibodies is an exciting step in replicating nature's fascinating immune system. Bibliography Uehling, Mark D. "Birth of a Molecule." February 1992, p. 74
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cómo Declarar la Pérdida de Pasaporte con Visa Americana
Cà ³mo Declarar la Pà ©rdida de Pasaporte con Visa Americana Si usted ha perdido su pasaporte con una visa americana, debe actuar rpidamente para evitarse problemas futuros y no perder su visado. Tenga en cuenta que si usted extravà o su documento o le fue robado puede que otra persona lo està © intentando usar para entrar a Estados Unidos (suplantacià ³n de identidad). Reportar la Pà ©rdida Fuera de Estados Unidos: Apenas se de cuenta de la pà ©rdida o robo escriba un correo electrà ³nico al consulado correspondiente siguiendo estas formulas: ciudad del o Asà , para el consulado en Lima el correo serà a: o En el asunto del correo escribir: â€Å"Lost†para el caso de visas extraviadas y â€Å"Stolen†para el de robadas y en el cuerpo del correo aà ±adir: Nombre completo del titular de la visa, tal y como aparece en el pasaporte extraviado o robado.Nà ºmero de pasaporte, si se tiene.Fecha en la que se produjo la pà ©rdida o el robo.Nà ºmero de telà ©fono de contacto.Si hay un reporte policial, incluirlo en la comunicacià ³n. Informacià ³n detallada de lo sucedido. Una vez reportado el robo o pà ©rdida la visa ser cancelada y ya no se podr viajar con ella. Reportar la Pà ©rdida Dentro de Estados Unidos: Apenas se de cuenta de la pà ©rdida o robo usted deber: Acudir a la policà a y reportar el robo o extravà o.Conseguir una copia del reporte policial.Conseguir una copia del I-94 que indica hasta cuando puede estar usted en Estados Unidos.Contactar con la embajada o consulado del paà s de origen y conseguir un nuevo pasaporte o documento que le permita salir de Estados Unidos y entrar a su paà s de origen. Reportar el robo o el extravà o de la visa a la embajada o al consulado que la emitià ³, siguiendo las instrucciones seà ±aladas arriba para casos de pà ©rdida fuera de Estados Unidos. Si su pasaporte extraviado tiene una visa de turismo B1/B2 vigente usted puede pedir una renovacià ³n de la misma siguiendo los mismos pasos de aplicacià ³n de la visa original. Aquà encuentra un listado de las direcciones oficiales de los consulados en la pgina oficial del gobierno e informacià ³n adicional de cà ³mo reportar el robo o perdida. Consejos Para Conservar la Visa Americana Una vez recuperada su visa revise la siguiente informacià ³n para conservarla sin problemas: Las 10 situaciones que le pueden traer problemas con su visa.La frecuencia con la que puede ingresar a Estados Unidos.Consecuencias de estadà as ms largas que las permitidas. Informacià ³n en forma de  test sobre visas. Este artà culo es meramente informativo y no pretende ser asesorà a legal.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Boeing Company Analysis
Boeing Company Analysis The general external environment consists of six factors (see Exhibit 1) in assessing how a firm operates. These are the industry trends that cause Boeing to make strategic decisions that have an impact on their business. Some examples of the current external environmental factors affecting companies in the Aerospace and defense industry are discussed as follows. The economic factor consists of issues involving the current recession. During a recession the amount of leisure, optional and business travel decreases significantly. This affects the airlines and ultimately affects Boeing. It affects Boeing because if the airlines are not able to make a profit then they hold off or cancel plane orders. The Socio-cultural trend right now is geared towards being environmentally friendly. Many industries including the aerospace and defense industry is looking for ways to not emit gas or other pollutions to preserve the environment. In fact, Boeing has been working on their latest commercial plane the 787 dream liner. It is said to be â€Å"the most fuel efficient and world’s first commercial plane made with composite materials†. (Wikipedia 2010) The technological factor addresses concerns with being able to innovate using the best technology found through advanced research and development. Currently, Boeing is looking for technological changes to create a competitive edge for their newest project, the 787 dream liner, to outperform their leading competitor, Airbus. Legal and Political factors being discussed is Boeing not being able to sell to all countries and the possibility of some of the U.S. military programs being cancelled. â€Å"Boeing is looking to sell aircraft to Taiwan and china does not like the idea of this happening since they are the largest stakeholder to both the United States and Boeing (Cohan 2010)†. Recently U.S. defense secretary Robert Gates announced that â€Å"the U.S. is proposing to revise spending on military equipmentà ¢â‚¬ (Shalal-Esa 2010). The demographic trends coincide with the technology factor because buying patterns of travelers establish the need for these technological changes in the industry. Customers that spend money for the first class amenities or that rather purchase a plane ticket with an airline that offers more, are the reason why airlines request these changes from Boeing. Also, Boeing has very demanding customers. The airlines are the customers in Boeing’s industry and if they do not get what they ask for they look elsewhere to satisfy those needs. Firms need to ensure that they adjust to these trends before the change occurs. Failing to react in time and ignoring these factors could cause a firm to lose out to other firms that have already adjusted. Understanding and achieving success in the external environment will definitely make Boeing an idolized corporate leader among their customers and other competitors. The aerospace and defense industry is the major industr y Boeing is apart of. In this industry there are many changes in how it operates. The consumers who Boeing and the industry are trying to sell to are the large airlines who are still trying to recover from the 9/11 attacks and a slumping economy. You have to be able sell planes as cheap as possible without sacrificing quality and keeping costs low. The current industry dynamics are addressed in the general external factors above. All of these are a concern for the industry and some companies are adjusting to these changes and some are not. If a company does not make the necessary changes and ignore these new trends then they may find themselves not being able to attain profitable returns. Those firms who do make changes will have a competitive advantage and will be profitable, compared to their competitors.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discuss one or two results of the appearance of the British Research Paper
Discuss one or two results of the appearance of the British Petroleum's oil spill in the gulf in the cultural consciousness - Research Paper Example As a response, many communities along the cost have organized benefits to attempt to ease stressors the catastrophe has caused. One particularly successful event included a show by Jimmy Buffett (Reeves). Daily reports obviate one stark fact however. If all of the engineers and scientists cannot fix the problem, what help can anything I do be The results of the BP oil spill are felt in our cultural consciousness at the level of our political dialogue. During the Bush administration we became so used to the fact that government and the petroleum industry were inextricably linked, we have had to make conscious effort to remind ourselves that the current administration does not have such strong ties. It is literally not Obama's oil spill (Varadarajan). This is one way in which the political dialogue has felt the impact of the BP oil spill on our cultural consciousness. The results of the BP oil spill are felt in our cultural consciousness at the level on environmental concern. Protests around the globe attest to the fervor of our renewed sense of environmental concern. Recently, it has been strikingly noted as a cultural conscious during a protest at the British Museum ("Oil slick protest at British Museum"). It seems that on some level people are making the connection between the man-made disaster and the cultural imperatives that drive us to them. The results of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Different Forms of Corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Different Forms of Corruption - Essay Example Why do these cases seem to appear to be more frequent in modern day sport than previously? An obvious answer is that there is so much more media coverage. It is perhaps as much a matter of perception than of fact. A hundred years ago a person either attended a sports event in person or else read about it in the newspaper after the event. Then came radio and film reports. In the 1930 outside broadcasts began from sporting events such as the Oxford /Cambridge boat race and football matches. Wimbledon was the first broadcast in 1937 and the Football Association Cup final the following year according to ‘The BBC Story’ (undated). Now in the 21st century, we have instant replays, coverage around the globe, and much more in the way of electronic and medical checks. Starting blocks in athletic races, for instance, can tell a split second when a runner leaves the blocks. An instant replay will show cheating that a referee and linesmen may have missed. There are also many more checks such as blood and urine tests which show up various prohibited substances – on occasions those taken inadvertently in such things as flu remedies. It is also possible to spot unusual betting patterns electronically. FIFA, for instance, has an Early Warning System GmbH ( 2011) which looks at betting patterns. None of these checks were present earlier so, if there was any corruption, it would have been much less obvious and harder to prove. Football – according to Sepp Blatter, FIFA president, in a report of May 2010, referees are a weak link when it comes to fighting corruption. So much so that before the 2006 World Cup referees had security guards posted at their hotels and were not allowed to take or make outside calls. Their fees have been increased as an incentive – so it almost looks like do wrong and be rewarded.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
China and India Essay Example for Free
China and India Essay Classical China and India had differences and similarities in religion, society, and technology/ inventions. In China, there were 3 major religions while in India there were only two. China had three social groups in which the people were placed. India had the Caste system that included five levels. The people of Classical China invented some important items while in India, major advances in astronomy, medicine, and math were being made. Chinas religious and philosophical views were different from Indias because they had distinct faiths. Chinas major religions/ philosophies were Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism which focused on peace with the world and worship of ancestors. Indias major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism emphasized reincarnation. Although different religions, both Chinese and Indian lives were the same in that religion formed a big part of their day, whether Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, Hinduism, or Buddhism, a lot of time was devoted to worshiping their faith. India and China both used a system of grouping people socially. Even though different methods, the people lived according to their group. Most of the religions like Hinduism, Confucianism, and Legalism accepted these social groups. Indias Caste system consisted of five levels. Moving up in a social class was nearly impossible in both China and India. In the Caste system, the people were arranged in hierarchical and patriarchal levels. On the other hand, the three social classes of China were: the landowners, the peasants, and at the bottom were the mean people. When it comes to advances in intellectuality and inventions that influenced our world today, China and India were very different. China and India were different in intellectual advances because they gradually made a move forward, but in different fields. China invented paper, a major item still used today. To help make the production of crops easier, the Chinese invented the water powered mill. Another grand advance of classical China was an accurate calendar still used in China today. While in India, they were making life changing discoveries. In astronomy, they determined the length of our solar year, they identified the seven planets, and they calculated the circumference of our planet earth. Because of infections and diseases, they developed vaccines to immunize and protect their population. Classical India also learned to sterilize wounds. India and China had different levels of thinking, but both made important discoveries that impacted the world. In conclusion, China and India were very different, yet alike in many aspects. They were different in religion, society, technology, and inventions. These differences and similarities made up the classical civilizations of India and China.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Restoring Europe :: essays research papers
After Austria was crushed by Napoleon in 1809, Metternich was created Austria's Foreign Minister, and replaced Johann Philipp von Stadion. He pursued a pro-French policy, going so far as to manage the marriage of Napoleon to Marie-Louise, Emperor Francis’s daughter. Following Napoleon's defeat in Russia in 1812, Metternich turned to a policy of neutrality, and attempted to make peace between Napoleon and his Russian and Prussian enemies. In June 1813 he famously met with Napoleon at Dresden , and by his own account came away telling the intolerant Emperor that he was lost. Soon after, mediation having failed, Metternich brought Austria into the war against France. As the war came towards its conclusion in the spring of 1814, Metternich quickly came to the conclusion that no peace with Napoleon was possible, and abandoning ideas of a Bonapartist regency under Marie Louise, came to support a Bourbon restoration, which brought him closer to Castlereagh, the British Foreign Secretary. Metternich was one of the principal negotiators at the Congress of Vienna. During this period, Metternich came to have a bitter personal hate with Tsar Alexander I of Russia, whose Polish plans Metternich deeply feared, and who competed with the womanizing Metternich for the affections of the beautiful Wilhelmina von Sagan. Metternich's attempts to form a united front with Viscount Castlereagh and Hardenberg, the Prussian chancellor, to oppose Alexander's plans for a constitutional Kingdom of Poland under his own rule, came to nothing due to Prussia's unwillingness to stand up to Alexander. Metternich then shocked the Prussians by signing an alliance with Castlereagh and Tallyrand, the French ambassador, on January 3, 1815, to prevent Prussian takeover of Saxony, which was to be Prussia's payment for giving up Polish land to Alexander. While this was successful in saving the King of Saxony, Alexander managed to get most of what he wanted in Poland. At the same time, Metternich worked hard in negotiations with Prussia, Hanover, Bavaria, and Wurttemberg to resolve the organization of Germany, and the Germanic Confederation that resulted bore much of the stamp of Metternich's ideas. Metternich's most notable achievement in the years that followed the Congress was his conversion of the Tsar, who had seen himself as a protector of liberalism, to the protection of the old order, which culminated by the Tsar's decision at the Congress of Troppau in 1820, when the Tsar agreed to Metternich's termination of a Neapolitan rebellion and refused to aid Greek rebels against the Ottoman Empire.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Law Enforcement Essay
In the US, the role of the police is known by many as â€Å"to protect and preserve†. While this phrase is ideal for public relations purposes, it tends to greatly oversimplify the role played by the law enforcement officers. This is especially because they usually face numerous challenges and end up performing much more than law enforcement and by extension, order maintenance. However, when these challenges hamper the effectiveness of the police roles, the criticism is often directed at the law enforcement administrators. If I were a department head, although there are numerous problems that are faced by law enforcement administrators, I would regard increased crime rates as my number one concern. Among the problems that law enforcement administrators have to deal with are the political aspects of their work. Here, it is important to note that even if it may not be obvious from far, these administrators, having been appointed by political leaders have to serve some political interests. The administrators thus have to combine several roles as the top law enforcement officer, part administrator, and part politician. The other problem is deviance and corruption among law enforcement officers. Although police corruption is not as high as it was in history, it is still a major hindrance in the attempts by administrators to ensure that their officers on the ground dispense their roles as required under their employment terms. As I had already mentioned, as a department head, I would view increased crime rates as the major problem that law enforcement administrators have to address. In the US, although there have been relentless efforts to bring crime rates as down as possible, this has proved to be a hard task to accomplish. In fact, the relevant authorities have only managed to produce a wave of statistics where crime rates fall and rise almost in equal measures. Notably, at the helm of this major concern are law enforcement administrators who tend to receive all the blame despite the fact that the police officers at work could be the real failures. Additionally, the administrators not only have to deal with the concerned community, but also political leaders and interest groups such as NGOs. This explains why whenever there is a security crisis, calls are usually made demanding for the resignation of or increased responsibility on the part of the administrators and not the police officers. This in tu rn puts a lot of pressure on the administrators especially in cases where they are being failed by the police officers under them. Some of them even resort to resign as a measure to evade the numerous fingers pointed at them. One of the measures that I would take to address increased crime rates would be to engage the community involved in what is known as community policing. I would seek to identify the root causes of increased crimes after which I would engage both individuals and groups in the community in establishing ideal solutions. I would also ensure open and constant communication with the police officers so that I can as well identify any issues that may be hindering them from attending to their duties properly. I am positive that these two measures would come in handy in either providing a solution or laying a foundation for development of viable solutions. In conclusion, although law enforcement administrators have to keep in check various challenges, I view the major one as increase in crime rates. This problem puts the administrators on focus by diverse groups, which may place unbearable pressure on them. If I were a department head, I would practice effective community policing, as well as engage the police officers working under me to bring the crime rates down.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Communication competency Essay
1. As you study Henry’s problem, think about what you would advise Henry to do. I would advise Henry to assess the reasons why the supervisors are requesting transfers to other stores. Although Henry does offer his supervisors a pay incentive plan that provides financial rewards to employees who cut cost and increases sales, he does not take the time to communicate with his employees to find out if they have the tools that they need to perform their jobs effectively. Henry should meet with his supervisors once he discovers where he missed the mark. He will then be better prepared to improve his communication methods with his staff of supervisors. Once he makes this necessary change this could mean a world of difference in regaining the trust of his supervisors as this will display to them that he is listening and recognizes that there is in fact a problem and that he intends to right his wrong. 2. What does Henry need to know about communication competency? Henry needs a basic understanding of communication competency, at the minimum. This would be the least amount required for someone in his position. It would be preferable that a manager have an extensive amount of experience in communication competency, but at the minimum, Henry should be able to effectively communicate with his peers and subordinates, including the two managers. In this scenario, Henry has not taken any proactive stand at any time to actually communicate with the managers under his supervision. 3. Discuss the relationship between communication and motivation. There is a strong relationship between communication and motivation. In order for employees and managers to both become and stay motivated, communication is essential. When there is an active dialogue between managers and subordinates, it provides motivation because the employees/managers are aware of exactly what is expected of them, and the lines of communication are open. Employees that know that the lines of communication are open are more likely to make use of the communication process by discussing grievances and other issues with their supervisor. 4. Directly reference the theories of motivation you have learned about in this unit. The rewards theory is predominantly used in this scenario. Henry is using a pay incentive program to reward the supervisors for cutting expenses and/or for increasing sales. By doing so, he is rewarding based on the actions of the supervisors and their ability to accomplish the goals that lead to greater pay through the pay incentive program. According to the Rewards Theory, the actions of the supervisors will continue as long as they are receiving pay incentives which act as a reward for their actions. If Henry ends the pay incentive program, the supervisors will have less motivation to reduce expenses and increase sales, which will likely lead to a decrease in supervisor performance in these areas. The Social Information Process Theory is also predominant in this scenario. This theory is based upon the premise that people’s needs and attitudes are determined by the information available to them at any given time. This can be applied in regards to Henry and the supervisors, each from their own standpoint. Henry has a lack of information as to why the supervisors are requesting transfers. Although it can be reasonably assumed that they are requesting transfers due to a complete lack of communication from Henry, he is unaware of the specific reasons. The supervisors are not receiving information from Henry. His contact with his subordinates is very limited, or so it appears so based on the details of the case. This has created a condition where the lack of feedback and information given by Henry to the supervisors has created attitudes in the supervisors based on the lack of communication, which is a detrimental aspect of the relationship between Henry and the supervisors. 5. Relate the case to the following ten work-related items Be specific about the participants of the case and the work-related items. 1. Sensitivity to personal problems Henry is under the impression that because he is busy and works hard that his complete lack of communication skills should be acceptable. He believes that the managers should be thankful for how hard he works for them, and to benefit them by what he believes to be always considering their best interests. 2. Interesting work Henry believes that because he has given the supervisors a viable means to stay engaged in their work, that they should find the work interesting. This is not directly stated by Henry but is reflected in the intonation of his comments when he reacts to the news that the supervisors have asked for transfers. 3. Salary Henry has added to the pay structure by implementing a pay incentive program for the supervisors. Henry believes that ideally the program should provide enough of an incentive for the supervisors to work hard, and to accomplish the goals of increasing sales and/or decreasing expenses. The managers likely feel that the pay initiative is an added benefit, but still completely lack any real form of communication with Henry. 4. Job security It is apparent that the supervisors enjoy having job security, or they would have terminated their employment instead of requesting transfers. Henry likely has job security as well, but not enough information is given concerning Henry’s position to make an accurate determination or analysis of his position from a job security standpoint. 5. Loyalty of company to employees Although it is evident that Henry believes he is being loyal to the supervisors, there is a complete lack of communication, and the degree of loyalty that the two supervisors believe is taking place would be much less than Henry’s opinion. It also appears that Henry has loyalty to the employer, which is indicated by his comment about working hard for the benefit of the managers. The managers also show loyalty to the company, because they request a transfer and do not terminate their employment. 6. Tactful and constructive criticism Based on the information provided, Henry has not given the supervisors any constructive criticism. The pay incentive program does not constitute any form of tactful or constructive criticism because it is being used as a sole motivator with no feedback or communication. Because there is a lack of constructive criticism between Henry and the supervisors, Henry appears withdrawn and non-communicative with his subordinates. 7. Appreciation for work Henry is under the impression that the supervisors don’t appreciate how hard he works. The supervisors have no indication if they are appreciated, because Henry has been completely non-communicative. The main reason that the supervisors want to be transferred is so that they can receive constructive criticism and feedback regarding their work, which they can then use to increase their knowledge, skills, and abilities for their given positions. 8. A sense of belonging Because Henry has mostly isolated himself from the supervisors, there is likely a predominant feeling on behalf of the supervisors that they don’t belong. Henry has made no substantial effort to include the supervisors in any constructive manner. Henry feels he belongs to the company, which is indicated through his dedication and hard work, but he has isolated himself causing his subordinates to likely feel as if they don’t belong as a viable part of the company. 9. Good working conditions Henry has not advocated good working conditions by his behavior. If the working conditions were solid, the managers would have never requested a transfer to a different location. In order to improve the working conditions, Henry needs to completely restructure his communication methods. 10. Opportunities for advancement There is no indication that any employee, manager, or supervisor can advance from their current positions. Henry would be the main factor in communicating possibilities for advancement to his staff, and there has been a clear lack of communication. This also is hazardous to employee motivation and employee morale.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Dicussion Example
Dicussion Example Dicussion – Coursework Example Symbolic Boundaries of Symbolic Boundaries Symbolic boundaries remain as a concept that allows people to be categorized into groups. In simple words, it can be said that the sociologists taking in-depth analysis of the cultural aspects of society claim symbolic boundaries as an imperative manner to understand the precision of creating groups. This paper aims to discuss symbolic boundaries impacting personal life. It should be noted that symbolic boundaries are present in the social environment of every individual from different classes. Considering about the symbolic boundaries that I have witnessed around me includes religious thinking that creates a distinction between classes the profane and sacred (Callaghan, 1994). In addition, the most common symbolic boundary that tends to impact social lives of people is the pattern of achieving knowledge. Not all groups within the society are considered to be curious. Therefore, groups that share similar thirst for gaining knowledge merge th emselves into one category. This is evident within my social boundary as well because I pursue a higher degree (Callaghan, 1994). As a matter fact, symbolic boundaries are in no way similar to that of social boundaries. The class distinction by symbolic boundaries is created in terms of common beliefs. On the other hand, social boundaries are clear stratification of the groups divided on the basis of symbolic boundaries. Through the above analysis, it can be well asserted that symbolic boundaries remain a very evident aspect of our lives. We are fully surrounded by thoughts and categories that make us a stay in a group with an identity. ReferenceCallaghan, K. (1994). Ideals of Feminine Beauty: Philosophical, Social, and Cultural Dimensions. New York: Greenwood Press.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Smoking should be made illegal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Smoking should be made illegal - Essay Example This essay discusses the reasons why smoking should be made illegal. Smoking can cause serious health damage. "Smoking increases the risk of getting lung cancer, larynx cancer, COPD, oral cavity, throat cancer and oesophagus cancer." (Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid, RIVM, 25 September 2007) Smokers not only damage their own physical health, but they can also harm the same of the people who do not smoke. If a person breathes in cigarette smoke from the environment, it is called passive smoking. "Passive smoking is responsible for several thousands of deaths a year in The Netherlands." (Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid, RIVM, 25 September 2007) So the stressed out mother that desperately needs a smoke, while her kids are finally asleep on the couch, could indeed be damaging her children's health and of her own. In these times of financial crises we might want to cut back on our expenses a little bit. Since smoking is quite an expensive habit, this might be the time to save some money which otherwise would be spent on cigarettes. Most tobacco products are probably not that expensive on their own, but the taxes that are put on tobacco make cigarettes a lot more expensive. Also individual and national medical expenses could be reduced drastically. A counterargument could be that smoking is enjoyable and relaxing. ... 1998, Page 24) However, because of these stimulating effects, nicotine can be highly addictive. A person may grow dependent on nicotine to calm nerves, fight boredom, and keep focused as well as other reasons. As the body gets used to it, a person may experience detoxification symptoms as soon as he doesn't take his cigarette every two hours. Another counterargument may be that the tobacco industry highly contributes towards the Dutch economy. "The Netherlands is one of Europe's major suppliers of tobacco products. Several tens of thousands of Dutch citizens have tobacco to thank directly or indirectly for their welfare." (500 jaar tabakscultuur, Peter Bulthuis, Bzzth, 1992, Page 95). On the other hand stands the costs that smokers make for medical care, when they become ill from smoking, while the doctor already tells them to quit smoking time and time again. Also the discouraging campaigns against smoking by the government cost quite a lot. "A budget of about half a million Euros for the prevention of smoking among youth" (Genotmiddelen in Nederland, maatschappelijke en economische aspecten. A. Vreeken. Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming. 1998, Page 48). In my opinion, there is nothing enjoyable about smoking, because it makes you physically ill, makes your breath smell bad, costs money and can cause damage to others whilst becoming an addiction. I believe that its dangers easily outweigh its pleasures. Of course, enjoyment is something that cannot be missed in a person's life, but there are also a lot of alternatives that are not as damaging to people's health. What if your daughter started smoking when she was 14, while you, as a parent, are in a hospital bed, terminally ill because of lung cancer, caused by smoking. Conclusion Smoking
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Identity theft how it has affected societies way of life and reality Research Paper
Identity theft how it has affected societies way of life and reality - Research Paper Example Every part of an individual’s life is surrounded with electronic items such as computers, cell phones and credit cards. Transfer of information is taking place every second in our lives, whether we are at home, work or educational centres; information is flowing from one at to another at every next moment. Due to immense use of technology, individuals end up leaving a huge track of footprints that are digital in nature. These tracks can be used by any other individual to obtain personal as well as public information of any particular individual. If these footprints fall in the hands of people who may use them wrongly, we may end up suffering heavy losses both emotionally and financially. Identity theft is referred to the criminal act of impersonating as another individual and obtaining benefits in the name of that individual. Identity theft may even be used to obtain an individual’s information and then committing crimes in the name of that individual. The US General Ac counting Office has defined identity theft as an act of obtaining an individual’s information and using that information to gain financial benefits (Hayward, 2004, p.93). Information and Privacy Commissioner defines this crime as an act of impersonating as another individual and then obtaining credit in his name (Barnard-Wills, 2012, p.188). A survey conducted by the Federal Trade Commission conducted in 2003 stated that during 2002 the number of victims of identity theft have tripled as compared to the statistics of 2001 ((Hayward, 2004, p.61). The Chubb Insurance conducted a survey during 2005 and figured out that one American our 5 American is a victim of this crime. Identity theft can be conducted in various ways (Loberg, 2004, p.34). The methods of conducting this crime are being updated and altered quite frequently. Activities of injecting an individual’s computer system with viruses and malicious instruments are conducted
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